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National   Committee 

for  the 

Celebration  of  the  One  Hundredth 

Anniversary  of  Peace  Among 

English-Speaking  Peoples 

December  24,  1814— December  24,  1914 


Honorary     Chairman 

Theodore  Roosevelt 

Honorary     V  ice-Chairmen 

Elihu  Root  William  Jennings  Bryan 

Levi  P.  Morton  Alton  B.  Parker 

Adlai  E.  Stevenson     Joseph  H.  Choate 

Andrews  Carnegie 

Edwin  Ginn  Albert  K.  Smiley 

John  D.  Crimmins        Oscar  S.  Straus 


J.  P.  Morgan  &  Co. 

Honorary     Treasurer 

Lyman  J.  Gage 


James  L.  Wandling 

Chairman      Finance     Committee 

James   G.    Cannon 

V  ice-Chairman    Finance     Committee 

William  Curtis  Demorest 

Chairman     Auditing     Committee 

Job  E.   Hedges 

Chairman    Finance    Committee 
Ex-  O  f  f  i  ci  o 

Alfred   Hodges 

Honorary     Secretary 

Harry  P.  Judson 


Andrew  B.  Humphrey 

Executive  Committee 

Charles  W.  Fairbanks,  Honorary  Chairman 

Theodore  E.  Burton,  Honorary  Vice-Chairman 

J.  Horace  McFarland,  Honorary  Secretary 

John  A.  Stewart,  Chairman 


Theodore  Marburg  Jacob  H.  Schiff 

William  H.  Short,  Secretary 

50  CHxmcH  Street,  New  York  City 

3tn  iMgmortam 

John  Jacob  Astor, 

Inventor,    Author,    CapitaHst 

Isador  Straus, 

Merchant,    Philanthropist 

Francis  D.  Millet, 

Soldier,  War  Correspondent, 
Journalist,  Author,  Artist 

Honorary  Associate  Members 

William  T.  Stead,  London 

Publisher,  Pacifist,  Writer 

Charles  M.  Hays,  Canada 

President  Grand  Trunk  Rail- 

These  members  of  our  National 
Committee,  with  sixteen  hundred 
and  thirty-five  men  and  women, 
lost  their  lives  on  Monday,  April 
15th,  1912,  when  the  steamship 
"Titanic"  collided  with  an  iceberg 
and  sank  to  the  bottom  of  the 
North  Atlantic. 

Let  him  that  would  find  the 
epitaph  of  these  men  who  thus  lost 
their  lives,  read  it  in  the  women 
and  children  who  survived  and  for 
whom  they  sacrificed  themselves 
like  brave,  God-fearing  and  honor- 
able men. 

G\n  from 


THE  National  Committee  for  the 
Celebration  of  the  One  Hun- 
dredth Anniversary  of  Peace  among 
English-Speaking  Peoples  was  organ- 
ized in  February,  1910,  to  bring 
about  a  proper  and  an  adequate  cele- 
bration of  the  approaching  centenary 
anniversary  of  the  ratification  of  the 
Ghent  Treaty.  The  movement  had 
and  has  no  other  purpose  than  that 
which  appears  in  its  title. 

The  celebration  movement  derives 
Its  impetus  and  inspiration  from  the 
fact  that,  despite  the  large  number  of 
disputed  questions  which  have  been 
outstanding  between  America  and 
Great  Britain  during  the  past  century, 
all  differences  have  been  settled  one 
by  one  by  means  of  diplomacy  or  ar- 
bitration. This  achievement  Is  all  the 
more  striking  when  there  Is  taken  in- 
to consideration  the  unfortified  fron- 
tier of  3,840  miles  which  separates 
Canada  and  the  United  States. 

It  Is  natural,  therefore,  that  there 
should  have  grown  up  a  desire  In 
America  and  the  British  Empire  to 
celebrate  this  century  of  peace  be- 
tween two  kindred  peoples  that, 
though  they  have  twice  engaged  in 
armed  conflict,  have  for  so  long  a 
time  acted,  in  their  International  re- 
lationship on  the  basis  of  an  arbitral 
settlement  of  all  disputes. 

But  a  century  of  peace  between 
France     and     all     English-speaking 

countries  will  be  completed  in  191 5, 
and  for  one  hundred  and  fifty  years 
there  has  been  no  armed  conflict  be- 
tween England  and  Germany  and 
never  as  between  America  and  Ger- 
many. It  is,  as  was  announced  from 
the  beginning,  the  purpose  of  the 
Committee,  when  international  orga- 
nization shall  have  been  advanced,  to 
invite  not  only  France  and  Germany, 
but  Holland,  Sweden,  Norway,  Italy, 
Austro-Hungary  and  the  other  na- 
tions of  the  world  to  be  our  guests  in 
the  celebration. 

It  should  be  said  once  and  for  all 
that  any  statement  to  the  effect  that 
the  Committee  is  engaged  in  any  pur- 
pose other  than  that  which  appears 
in  this  pamphlet  is  an  absolute  and 
unqualified  misstatement  of  facts. 
Equally  untrue  is  any  assertion  that 
the  Committee  represents  any  person 
or  organization  other  than  itself  and 
its  own  members. 

The  influence  of  the  Committee 
will  be  exerted  towards  securing  the 
highest  artistic  character  possible  for 
any  monuments  which  may  be  erected 
commemorating  the  centennial.  It  is 
desired  that  all  American  memorials 
should,  in  sentiment  and  purpose,  be 
less  a  commemoration  of  the  past 
than  a  covenant  of  a  continuation  for 
the  future  of  present  amity  and  good 

The  Committee  will  assume  no 
governmental  or  diplomatic  functions, 
but  will  leave  the  approach  of  the 
governments,  one  to  the  other,  for 
purposes  of  the  celebration,  to  be 
made  by  such  official  representatives 


as  each  may  hereafter  appoint.  Such 
delegations  from  the  Committee  as 
may  visit  other  countries  will  go  with 
the  sole  object  of  conveying  informa- 
tion concerning  the  organization  and 
purposes  of  the  Committee,  and  of  In- 
spiring in  the  countries  which  may  be 
visited  organization  and  activity  for 
like  purposes. 

The  celebration  of  this  anniversary 
probably  offers  the  best  opportunity 
our  generation  will  see  for  the  culti- 
vation of  world-wide  goodwill. 
I  The  headquarters  of  the  National 

Committee  are  at  50  Church  Street, 
New  York  City. 



THE  Committee  trusts,  In  view  of 
the  unusually  drastic  provisions 
which  have  been  made  for  safeguard- 
ing expenditures,  that  friends  and 
members  will  supply  its  treasury  with 
necessary  funds,  both  now  and  as  spe- 
cial appeals  may  be  made  from  time 
to  time.  The  Treasurer,  Mr.  James 
L.  Wandling,  Treasurer  and  Trustee 
of  the  New  York  Savings  Bank,  may 
be  addressed  at  No.  623  Broadway, 
or  in  care  of  J.  P.  Morgan  &  Co., 

Plan  and  Purpose  of 

Movement  to  Celebrate  the  One 

Hundredth  Anniversary  of 

Peace  Among  English 

Speaking  Peoples 

1814 -'15— 1914-15 

(From  Address  of  Mr.  Andrew  B.  Humphrey) 
(Mohonk  Conference,  May,  191],  Revised) 

IT  is  significant  that  the  signing  of 
the  Treaty  of  Ghent  on  Christ- 
mas Eve,  1 8 14,  was  not  brought 
about  by  the  Commissioners  assigned 
to  that  duty,  for  after  they  had  been 
in  conference  for  nearly  six  months 
the  two  Nations  themselves,  forced 
by  a  strong  public  sentiment  among 
the  peoples  of  both  countries  that  de- 
manded peace,  directed  the  Commis- 
sioners to  conclude  a  peace  pact  re- 
gardless of  the  prior  claim  set  forth 
by  the  Commissioners  and  their  re- 
spective governments.  Thus  the 
Ghent  treaty  was  concluded  without 
reference  to  the  issues  which  brought 
on  the  war.  The  treaty  was  forced 
by  public  sentiment  and  is  a  monu- 
ment to  that  greater  force  than  war, 
irresistible  national  public  opinion. 

This  same  force  of  popular  opin- 
ion has  maintained  peace  for  a  cen- 
tury regardless  of  treaties  and  despite 
the  failure  of  treaties,  and  has 
brought  about  the  elimination  of  sub- 
stantially all  the  serious  causes  of  ir- 
ritation between  the  two  countries. 

The  idea  of  celebrating  one  hun- 
dred years  of  peace  seems  to  have  oc- 

curred  spontaneously  to  many  people, 
and  without  co-operation.  It  was  first 
discussed  during  the  administration 
of  former  President  Roosevelt,  and 
it  is  probably  true  that  through  Pres- 
ident Roosevelt,  Andrew  Carnegie, 
former  Minister  MacKenzie  King, 
of  Canada,  Mr.  John  A.  Stewart,  of 
New  York,  and  the  support  of  the 
Mohonk  Conference,  the  project  of  a 
celebration  took  organized  and  def- 
inite form.  Minister  King  in  an  ad- 
dress at  the  Harvard  Commencement 
of  1909  and  again  at  Lake  Mohonk 
in  1 9 10,  urged  a  celebration  of  the 

In  February,  19 10,  Mr.  Stewart 
called  a  meeting  in  New  York  City  of 
representatives  of  various  business, 
religious  and  professional  organiza- 
tions, at  which  a  preliminary  commit- 
tee was  organized.  This  committee 
in  turn  called  a  general  meeting,  at 
which  there  was  organized  The  Na- 
tional Committee  for  the  Celebration 
of  the  One  Hundredth  Anniversary 
of  Peace  Among  English-Speaking 

By  invitation  a  committee  of  fif- 
teen held  a  conference  with  President 
Taft  at  Beverly,  July  15,  1910. 
There  the  movement  was  discussed 
with  the  President,  who  heartily  ap- 
proved the  idea  of  the  celebration 
and  promised  all  the  support  he 
could  personally  and  officially  give. 

The  Committee  then  invited  for- 
mer President  Roosevelt  to  take  the 
Honorary  Chairmanship  and  Mr. 
Andrew  Carnegie  to  become  Chair- 
man.    Their  acceptances,  as  well  as 


those  of  former  Vice-President  Fair- 
banks of  the  position  of  Honorary 
Chairman  of  the  Executive  Commit- 
tee, and  of  former  Vice-Presidents 
Levi  P.  Morton  and  Adlai  E.  Steven- 
son, Senator  Elihu  Root,  Mr.  Will- 
iam Jennings  Bryan,  Mr.  Alton  B. 
Parker,  and  former  Ambassador 
Joseph  H.  Choate  of  positions  as 
Honorary  Vice-Chairmen,  signalized 
the  launching  of  the  movement,  and 
of  the  perfecting  of  a  permanent  or- 

The  membership  of  the  National 
Committee  is  rapidly  approaching 
five  thousand.  No  limit  as  to  number 
of  members  has  been  fixed. 

Since  the  essential  work  of  organi- 
zation was  completed  and  a  full 
corps  of  officers  elected,  the  Commit- 
tee has  been  at  work  in  the  develop- 
ment of  a  definite  program,  which 
will  be  submitted  to  the  International 
body  as  soon  as  the  International 
Committee  shall  have  been  organized 
as  the  result  of  an  international  con- 
ference to  be  held  either  in  New 
York  City  or  in  London  sometime 
during  the  coming  year. 

As  to  the  scope  of  the  celebration, 
it  may  be  said  that  there  is  every 
promise  and  expectation  that  all  the 
leading  nations  of  the  world  will.  In 
some  appropriate  manner,  and 
through  their  own  Initiative,  take  such 
action  as  will  indicate  their  interest 
in  and  approval  of  the  event. 

There  are  several  reasons  why  the 
Committee  was  so  thoroughly  orga- 
nized far  in  advance  of  the  date  of 
the  celebration.     One  was  to  bring 

about  an  amalgamation  of  all  the 
various  movements  which  have  been 
initiated  to  celebrate  the  Peace  Cen- 
tenary, and  also  to  bring  about  co- 
operation in  plan,  and  purpose,  and 
agreement  as  to  activities;  to  create 
a  body  that  could  act  in  an  advisory 
as  well  as  in  a  supervisory  capacity; 
and  in  order  to  anticipate  the  legisla- 
tive approval  of  states,  where  im- 
mediate action  was  necessary  efficient- 
ly to  devise  a  comprehensive  plan  for 
1914-15;  and  more  especially  if  we 
are  to  dedicate  completed  memorials. 


Suggestions  have  come  from  vari- 
ous parts  of  the  English-speaking 
world — 

1.  That  a  preliminary  interna- 
tional Conference  convene  in  New 
York  or  London  during  the  coming 
year,  with  representatives  from  each 
English-speaking  nation,  or  colony. 
This  meeting  will  be  a  forward  move- 
ment towards  international  good  will 
and  the  maintenance  and  perpetua- 
tion of  world-wide  friendly  relations. 

2.  That  the  hundredth  anniver- 
sary of  the  signing  of  the  Treaty  of 
Ghent  (Dec.  24,  18 14)  be  celebrated 
with  suitable  ceremony  in  Ghent  and 
also  in  the  churches,  schools,  socie- 
ties, organizations,  clubs,  legislative 
bodies  and  Parliaments  throughout 
the  English-speaking  world. 

3.  That  a  ceremonial  banquet  be 
given  in  Ghent  on  the  evening  of  Jan- 
uary 8,  19 1 5,  in  replica  of  the  ban- 
quet given  by  the  municipality  of 
Ghent  to  the  Joint  High  Commission 


on  January  8,  1815,  and  that  re- 
sponses be  made  to  the  same  toasts 
that  were  the  subjects  of  the  ad- 
dresses on  that  occasion. 

4.  That  (the  suggestion  coming 
from  United  States  Senator  Elihu 
Root),  the  celebration  formally  be- 
gin on  the  17th  of  February,  the  date 
of  the  ratification  of  the  Ghent  Trea- 
ty, and  in  this  solemn  and  impressive 

For  a  given  five  minutes  of  a  given 
hour,  the  proper  time  to  be  computed 
by  a  board  of  astronomers,  through- 
out the  English-speaking  world,  so 
far  as  practicable  all  the  wheels  of 
industry  and  social  and  business  activ- 
ity shall  cease. 

5.  That  American-English  peace 
monuments  be  erected  along  the 
United  States-Canadian  border  and 
in  Ottawa,  Baltimore,  Toronto,  Chi- 
cago, Savannah,  San  Francisco  and 
such  other  locations  In  the  English- 
speaking  world  as  may  be  selected 
and  approved  by  the  cities  and  peo- 
ples interested. 

6.  That  these  monuments  be  har- 
monious and  artistic  in  design  with 
reference  to  the  central  idea  com- 
memorated, and  that  the  dedication 
of  these  monuments  be  utilized  for 
educational  purposes,  by  memorial 
exercises  in  churches,  schools,  socie- 
ties, fraternal  organizations,  etc. 

7.  That  advantage  be  taken  of  the 
occasion  to  spread  broadcast,  through 
special  publications,  the  inspiring  ben- 
efits of  a  century  of  peace. 

8.  That  a  memorial  history  be 
written  under  the  joint  authorship  of 


a  representative  Englishman  and  a 
representative  American,  with  mono- 
graphs, by  experts,  on  special  phases 
of  the  subject. 

9.  That  a  new  type  of  exhibition 
might  be  inaugurated  in  connection 
with  the  Panama  Canal  celebration  at 
San  Francisco,  in  191 5,  showing  the 
progress  of  the  arts  of  peace  during 
the  century. 

10.  That  there  be  a  great  mer- 
chant marine  parade  from  Buffalo  to 
Duluth  and  return,  with  celebrations 
in  the  border  cities  and  towns. 

11.  That  through  international 
co-operation  a  plan  of  boulevard, 
park  and  parkway  creation  and  exten- 
sion be  formulated,  to  include  the 
erection  at  such  focal  points  as  the 
Niagara  Frontier,  the  Detroit  Fron- 
tier, and  in  other  places,  of  great 
pemanent  monuments  and  memorials, 
such  as  water  gates  on  either  side  of 
the  Detroit  River;  the  building  of  a 
tunnel  from  Windsor  to  Detroit  as 
part  of  an  international  boulevard  ex- 
tension; the  building  of  a  bridge  from 
Belle  Isle,  Detroit,  to  the  mainland; 
the  erection  of  bridges  as  a  part  of 
the  plan  of  boulevard  extension  now 
being  carried  out  by  the  State  of  New 
York  and  the  Province  of  Ontario  at 
the  Niagara  Frontier;  the  erection  of 
border  monuments  at  intervals  along 
the  American-Canadian  frontier  of 
three  thousand  eight  hundred  and 
forty  miles,  etc.,  etc. 

12.  That  a  World  Statue  of  Peace 
be  erected  in  New  York  Harbor  on  a 
new  artificial  island  southwest  of 
Governor's    Island,    and    facing    the 


Statue  of  Liberty,  so  that  both  "Lib- 
erty and  Fraternity"  may  welcome  the 
nations  and  peoples  "at  the  cross 
roads"  of  the  world's  peaceful  inter- 
course, and,  that  the  twenty  million 
school  children  in  the  United  States 
be  the  builders  of  this  mute  but  elo- 
quent appeal  of  humanity  to  human- 

13.  That  a  museum  of  the  indus- 
trial arts  be  erected  in  New  York 
City,  to  be  dedicated  to  the  uses  of 
the  people  as  a  place  of  public  meet- 
ing, and  for  the  promotion  of  the 
peaceful  arts  and  sciences  and  friend- 
ly international  intercourses. 

14.  That  there  be  erected  in  Wash- 
ington, the  capital  of  the  United 
States,  and  in  London,  the  capital  of 
the  British  Empire,  two  monuments, 
identical  in  design  and  legend. 

15.  That  effort  be  made  to  co-or- 
dinate and  correlate  some  of  the 
highways  now  under  construction  in 
the  United  States  and  Canada  and  to 
cause  the  enactment  by  the  Congress 
of  the  United  States,  the  Parliament 
of  the  Dominion,  and  the  legislatures 
of  the  States  and  Provinces,  of  laws 
which  will  permit  a  suitable  and  im- 
pressive titular  designation  of  such 
highway  or  highways,  so  that  they 
may  form  an  international  boulevard 
connecting  focal  points  in  the  United 
States  with  focal  points  in  Canada; 
as,  for  example,  the  boulevard  now 
building  by  the  State  of  New  York 
between  New  York  City  and  the  fron- 
tier at  Moore's  Junction,  and  by  the 
Province  of  Quebec  between  Quebec, 
Montreal,     Ottawa,     Toronto     and 


Windsor  and  the  Canadian  frontiers 
at  Moore's  Junction  and  at  the  Nia- 
gara and  Detroit  river  frontiers. 

1 6.  That  there  be  completed  the 
ninety  miles  of  boulevards  now  in 
course  of  construction  on  the  shores 
of  the  Niagara  River  from  lake  to 
lake  by  the  State  of  New  York  and 
the  Province  of  Ontario,  and  that 
these  boulevards  be  connected  by  ap- 
propriate memorial  bridges  between 
Buffalo  and  Fort  Erie,  between  Nia- 
gara Falls,  New  York,  and  Niagara 
Falls,  Canada,  and  between  Youngs- 
town,  New  York,  and  Niagara-on- 
the-Lake,  Canada. 

17.  That  ample  provision  be  made 
for  future  needs  of  international 
parks  along  the  Canadian  frontier  in 
New  England,  as  for  example  the  es- 
tablishment of  a  park  of  the  Fort 
Montgomery  reservation  on  Lake 
Champlain,  at  the  Thousand  Islands, 
Niagara  Falls  and  the  Niagara  fron- 
tier, Detroit,  Sault  Ste  Marie,  and 
Westward  to  Vancouver  Island. 

18.  That  a  comprehensive  plan  be 
prepared  by  an  international  and  by 
local  committees  of  engineers,  archi- 
tects, sculptors  and  landscape  artists 
of  renown,  outlining  a  definite  scheme 
for  the  present  and  anticipating  the 
future,  as  a  beginning  of  an  era  of 
artistic  development  and  embellish- 
ment of  the  Canadian  frontier,  and 
such  other  points  as  may  consistently 
be  associated  with  this  centennial  pro- 
ject and  which  shall  harmonize  with 
the  general  plan  to  provide  the  foun- 
dation for  centuries  of  development 
as  an  expression  of  progressive  civ- 


19-  That  the  celebration  conclude 
with  International  Congresses,  open- 
ing in  New  York  and  ending  at  the 
Panama  Exposition  in  San  Francisco 
in  1915,  concentrating  the  peace  sen- 
timent of  the  world  upon  the  specific 
accomplishments  desired  through  the 
Third  Hague  Peace  Conference, 
which  will  probably  be  in  session  at 
that  time,  and  with  general  reference 
to  the  peace,  prosperity  and  welfare 
of  the  peoples  of  the  world. 

20.  That  there  be  suitable  pagean- 
try celebrations  in  connection  with 
the  International  local  celebrations. 

21.  That  there  be  a  general  day  of 
thanksgiving  in  celebration  at  the  cap- 
itals of  all  of  the  American  states, 
and  of  the  Provinces  of  Canada  and 
other  component  parts  of  the  nations 
of  the  British  Empire. 

22.  That  a  monument  be  erected 
on  the  battlefield  of  New  Orleans,  on 
the  site  of  the  house  where  General 
Packingham  died,  in  memory  of  the 
dead  of  the  British  and  American 
armies,  and  dedicated  to  the  hope  and 
belief  that  it  is  erected  on  the  site  of 
the  last  battle  between  armies  of 
English-speaking  origin. 

23.  That  there  be  issues  of  me- 
morial postage,  coinage  and  medals. 

24.  That  a  memorial  arch  be  built 
to  span  the  international  New  York 
to  Montreal  Highway  at  the  Ameri- 
can-Canadian frontier. 

Finally,  it  should  be  kept  in  mind 
that,  while  war  celebrations  have 
been  spectacular  in  history,  this  cele- 
bration will  emphasize  the  victories  of 
peace  through  the  spiritual,  intellec- 


tual,  Industrial,  political  and  econo- 
mic triumphs  of  a  marvelous  century 
of  development  and  progress. 

This  celebration  is  a  people's 
movement;  its  purpose  is  popular,  its 
aims,  to  benefit  humanity.  Underly- 
ing it  is  the  motive  to  establish  a 
wider  personal  acquaintance  among 
English-speaking  peoples  and  the  peo- 
ples of  the  whole  world,  to  afford  the 
better  opportunity  to  gain  one  an- 
other's point  of  view,  in  order  that 
all  of  us  may  the  more  easily  avoid 
those  little  offences  which,  aggravated 
by  prejudice,  grow  into  serious  Inter- 
national misunderstanding. 

Roll  of  Members 

Honorary  Vice-Chairmen-at- 

Aldrich,  Chester  H.,  Governor.  .Lincoln,  Neb. 
Anderson,  Larz,  American  Minister, 

Brussels,  Belgium 
Ansel,  Martin  F.,  former  Governor, 

Columbia,  S.  C. 
Bachelder,    Nahum  J.,   former   Governor, 

Concord,  N.  H. 
Bacon,  Robert,   former  American 

Ambassador  to  France. ..  Boston,  Mass. 
Baldwin,  Simeon  E.,  Governor, 

Hartford,  Conn. 
BalHnger,  Richard  A.,  former  Secretary 

of  the  Interior Seattle,  Wash. 

Bass,  Robert  P.,  Governor Concord,  N.  H. 

Blease,  Cole  L.,  Governor Columbia,  S.  C. 

Bonaparte,   Charles  J.,   former 

Attorney-General Baltimore,    Md. 

Boutell,  Henry  S.,  American  Minister, 

Berne,    Switzerland 
Brady,  Charles  H.,  former  Governor, 

Boise,  Idaho 

Brewer,  Earl,  Governor Jackson,  Miss. 

Brown,  Joseph   M.,   Governor Atlanta,   Ga. 

Bryan,  Charles  Page,  American 

Ambassador Tokio,    Japan 

Bryan,  William  Jennings i^incoln.  Neb. 

Burke,  John,  Governor Bismarck,   N.  D. 

Burton,  Theodore  E.,  United  States 

Senator    Cleveland,   O. 

Carey,  Joseph  M.,  Governor.  .Cheyenne,  Wyo. 
Carpenter,  Fred  W.,  American  Minister, 

Tangier,  Morocco 
Carroll,    Beryl   F.,   Governor, 

Des  Moines,  Iowa 
Carter,  John  R.,  former  American  Minister 

to  Argentina Baltimore,  Md. 

Choate,  Joseph  H New  York 

Clark,  Walter  E.,  Governor Juneau,  Alaska 

Colquitt,  O.  B.,  Governor Austin,  Texas 

Colton,  George  R.,  Governor-General. 

San  Juan,  Porto  Rico 
Crothers,  Austin  L.,  former  Governor, 

Annapolis,  Md. 

Cruce,  Lee,  Governor Guthrie,  Okla. 

Davidson,  James  O.,  former  Governor, 

Soldiers'  Grove,  Wise. 
Dawson,  Thomas  C,  former  American 

Minister  to   Panama.  .Washington,  D.  C. 
Day.  William  R.,  Associate  Justice  of 

the   Supreme   Court..  .Washington,  D.  C. 


Deneen,  Charles  S.,  Governor.  .Springfield,  111. 

Dix,  John  A.,   Governor Albany,  N.  Y. 

Donaghey,  George  W.,  Governor, 

Little  Rock,  Ark. 
Douglas,  William  L.,  former  Governor, 

Brockton,   Mass. 
Draper,  Eben  S.,   former  Governor, 

Boston,  Mass. 
Eberhart,  Adolph  O.,  Governor, 

St.  Paul,  Minn. 
Egan,  Maurice  Francis,  American 

Minister,   Copenhagen,  Denmark 
Fairbanks,  Charles  W.,  former 

Vice-President Indianapolis,    Ind. 

Fairchild,  Charles  S.,  former  Secretary 

of  the  Treasury New  York 

Forbes,  W.  Cameron,  Governor-General, 

Manila,  Philippine  Islands 
Fort,  John  Franklin,  former  Governor, 

Orange,  N.  J 

Foss,  Eugene  N.,  Governor Boston,  Mass 

Foster,  John  W.,  former  Secretary  of 

State Washington,  D.   C 

Fox,  William  C,  former  American  Minister 

to  Ecuador Washington,  D.  C 

Frear,  Walter  F.,   Governor, 

Honolulu,  Hawaii 
Furniss,  Henry  W.,  American  Minister, 

Port  au  Prince,  Haiti 
Gage,  Lyman  J.,  former  Secretary  of  the 

Treasury Point   Loma,   Cal. 

Garfield,  James  R.,  former  Secretary 

of  the  Interior Cleveland,  O. 

Gary,  James  A.,  former  Postmaster- 
General  Baltimore,  Md. 

Gaynor,  William  J.,  Mayor New  York 

Gibbons,  James  Cardinal Baltimore,  Md. 

Gilchrist,  Albert  W.,  Governor, 

Tallahassee,  Fla. 
Gillett,  James  N.,  former  Governor. 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Glasscock,  William  E.,  Governor, 

Charleston,  W.  Va. 
Goldsborough,  Phillips  L.,  Governor, 

Annapolis,  Md. 
Graves,  Charles  H.,  American  Minister, 

Stockholm,  Sweden 
Griggs,  John  W.,  former  Attorney-General, 

Paterson,  N.  J. 
Guild,  Curtis,  American  Ambassador, 

St.  Petersburg,  Russia 
Hadley,  Herbert  S.,  Governor, 

Jefferson  City,  Mo. 

Harmon,  Judson,  Governor Columbus,  O. 

Haskell,  Charles  N.,  former  Gov  rnor, 

Guthrie,  Okla. 
Hawley,  James  H.,  Governor. .,.  .Boise,  Idaho 

Hay,  M.  E.,  Governor Olympia,  Wash. 

Hilles,  Charles  D.,  Secretary  to  the 

President Washington,  D.  C. 

Hitt,  R.  S.  Reynolds,  American  Minister, 

Guatemala,  Guatemala 

Hooper,  Ben  W.,  Governor. .  .Nashville,  Tenn. 
Hunt,  George  W.  P.,  Governor, 

Phoenix,  Ariz. 
Ide,  Henry  Clay,  American  Minister, 

Madrid,  Spain 
Jackson,  John  B.,  American  Minister, 

Bucharest,  Roumania 
Johnson,  Hiram  W.,  Governor, 

Sacramento,  Gal. 
Kerens,  Richard  C.,  American  /embassador, 

Vienna,  Austria 
King,  Hamilton,  American  Minister, 

Bangkok,  Siam 
Kitchin,  William  W.,  Governor, 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Leishman,  John  G.  A.,  American  Ambassador, 

Berlin  Germany 
Lurton,  Horace  Harmon,  Associate  Justice 

of  the  Supreme  Court.  Washington,  D.  C. 
MacVeagh,  Franklin,  Secretary  of  the 

Treasury Washington,  D.  C. 

Mann,  William  Hodges,  Governor, 

Richmond,  Virginia 
Marshall,  Thomas  R.,  Governor, 

Indianapolis,  Ind. 
McCreary,  James  B.,  Governor, 

Frankfort,  Ky. 
McCicery,  Fenton  R.,  former  American 

Minister   to    Honduras Flint,  Mich. 

McDonald,  William  C,  Governor, 

Santa  Fe,  N.  M. 
McGovern,  Francis  E.,  Governor, 

Madison,  Wise. 

Mead,  John  A.,   Governor Montpelier,  Vt. 

Metcalf,  Victor  H.,  former  Secretary 

of  the  Navy Oakland,  Cal. 

Meyer,  George  von  Lengerke,  Secretary 

of  the  Navy Washington,  D.  C. 

Mills,  William  J.,   former  Governor, 

Santa  Fe,  N.  M. 
Morton,  Levi  P.,  former  Vice-President, 

New   York 
Moses,  George  H.,  American  Minister, 

Athens,   Greece 
Nagel,  Charles,  Secretary  of  Commerce 

and  Labor Washington,  D.  C. 

Newberry,  Truman  H.,  former  Secretary 

of  the   Navy Detroit,    Mich. 

Noel,  Edmund  F.,  former  Governor, 

Lexington,  Miss. 
Norris,  Edwin  L.,  Governor. .  .Helena,  Mont. 
O'Brien,  Thomas  J.,   American 

Ambassador Rome,   Italy 

Oddie,  Tasker  L.,  Governor, 

Carson  City,  Nev. 
Odell,  Benjamin  B.,  Jr.,  former  Governor, 

Newburgh,  N.  Y. 
O'Neal,  Emmett,  Governor, 

Montgomery,  Ala. 
Osborn,  Chase  S.,  Governor  —  Lansing,  Mich. 
Parker,  Alton  B.,  former  Chief  Justice  of 

Court   of   Appeals New    York 


Patterson,  Malcom  R.,  former  Governor, 

Memphis,  Tenn. 
Pennewill,  Simeon  S.,  Governor. .  .Dover,  Del. 
Plaisted,  Frederick  W.,   Governor, 

Augusta,  Me. 
Pothier,  Aram  J.,   Governor, 

Providence,  R.  I. 
Prouty,  George  H.,  former  Governor, 

Newport,  Vt. 
Quinby,  Henry  B.,  former  Governor, 

Concord,  N.  H. 
Reid,  Whitelaw,  American  Ambassador, 

London,  England 
Rockhill,   William  Woodville,   American 

Ambassador,  Constantinople,  Turkey 
Root,  Elihu,  United  States  Senator, 

New  York 
Sanders,  Jared  Y.,  Governor, 

Baton  Rouge,  La. 

bhafroth,  John  F.,  Governor Denver,Col. 

Shaw,  Leslie  M.,  former  Secretary  of  the 

Treasury Philadelphia,    Pa. 

Sloan,  Richard  E.,  Governor, 

Phoenix,  Arizona 
Smith,  Hoke,  United  States  Senator, 

Atlanta,  Ga. 
Spry,   William,   Governor, 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah 
Stevenson,  Adlai  E.,  former  Vice-President, 

Bloomington,  111. 
Stimson,  Henry  L.,  Secretary  of  War, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Straus,  Oscar  S.,  former  Secretary  of 

Commerce  and  Labor New  York 

Stubbs,  Walter  R.,  Governor Topeka,  Kan. 

Swenson,  Laurits  S.,  American  Minister, 

Christiania,  Norway 

Tener,  John  K.,  Governor Harrisburg,  Pa. 

Tracy,  Benjamin  F.,  former  Secretary 

of  the  Navy New  York 

Vessey,  Robert  S.,  Governor Pierre,  S.  D. 

Wanamaker,  John,  former  Postmaster- 
General  Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Weeks,  Frank  B.,  former  Governor, 

Hartford,  Conn. 

West,  Oswald,  Governor Salem,  Ore. 

White,  Horace,  former  Governor, 

Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Wickersham,  George  W.,  Attorney-General, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Willson,  Augustus  E.,  former  Governor, 

Louisville,  Ky. 

Wilson,  General  James  Grant New  York 

Wilson,  Henry  Lane,  American  Ambassador, 

Mexico  City,  Mexico 
Wilson,  James,  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Wilson,  Woodrow,  Governor Trenton,  N.  J. 

Wynne,  Robert  J.,  former  Postmaster- 
General  Washington,  D.  C. 


Honorary  Associate  Membership 

In  intended  compliment  the  American  Com- 
mittee has  invited  a  few  members  of  com- 
mittees of  the  British  Empire  to  becorne  Hon- 
orary Associate  Members  of  the  American  or- 
ganization. This  invitation  has  also  been  ex- 
tended to  the  Ambassadors  and  Ministers  of 
foreign  governments  stationed  in  Washington 
as  a  courtesy  in  earnest  of  world  wide  good 
will.  The  names  of  those  who  have  so  far 
accepted  this  invitation: 
Rt.    Hon.    James     Bryce,    O.M.,    the     British 

Mr.  J.  J.  Jusserand,  the  French   Ambassador 
His  Excellency,  The  Right  Honourable,  the 
Count      Albert      Apponyi,      M.P.,      ex- 
Speaker  of  the  House  of  the  Parliament, 
Privi  Councillor  to  His  Majesty  Francis 
Joseph  I,  Budapest,  Austria-Hungary. 
Senor   Don    Gilberto   Crespo   y   Martinez,   the 

Mexican  Ambassador 
Mr.  D.  da  Gama,  the  Brazilian  Ambassador. 
Mr.  H.  H.  Bryn,  the  Minister  from  Norway 
Dr.  Paul  Ritter,  the  Minister  from  Switzerland 
Mr.  J.  Loudon,  the  Minister  from  The  Neth- 
Senor    Don    Ignacio    Calderon,    the    Minister 

from  Bolivia 
Senor  Don  Eduardo  Suarez-Mujica,  the  Min- 
ister from  Chili 
Senor  Don  Joaquin  Bernardo  Calvo,  the  Min- 
ister from  Costa  Rica 
Mr.  Solon  Menos,  the  Minister  from  Haiti 
Mr.  Salvador  Castrillo,  Jr.,  the  Minister  from 

Senor  Don   P.    Ezequiel   Rojas,   the   Minister 

from  Venezuela 
Mr.     L.     L.     Caftanzoglu,     LL.D.,     Charge 

d'Affairs  of  the  Royal  Greek  Legation 
Mirza  Ali  Kuli  Khan,  Charge  d'Affairs  of  the 
Persian  Legation 

Great  Britain 

His    Excellency,    The    Right    Honourable    the 

Earl    of    Aberdeen,    G.M.P.,    K.T.,    P.C, 

G.C.M.G.,   G.C.V.O. 
His  Grace,  the  Duke  of  Argyll,  K.G.,  K.T., 

P.C,  G.C.M.G.,  G.C.V.O.,  V.D. 
The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Avebury,  P.C. 
The    Right    Honourable    Arthur    J.    Balfour, 

Sir     Thomas     Barlow,     K.C.V.O.,     F.R.S., 

M.D.,  LL.D.,  B.Sc,  F.R.C.P. 
Sir  John  Wolfe-Barry,  K.C.B. 
Sir    William  James   Bell,   M.A.,   LL.D.,    J.P., 



H.B.M.    Consul    General    Courtenay    Walter 

Bennett,  CLE. 
Admiral,  The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Charles 

Beresford,  K.C.B.,  G.C.V.O. 
General  William  Booth. 
The    Right     Honourable    the     Earl     Brassey, 

G.C.B.,  K.C.B.,  D.L.,  J.P. 
Mr.  Harry  E.  Brittain,  M.A. 
Right  Honourable  James  Bryce,  O.M. 
The     Right      Honourable      Lord      Burnham, 

Right  Honourable  Thomas  Burt,  M.P. 
Mr.  George  Cadbury,  J.P. 
Rev.  John  A.  Clifford,  D.D. 
Sir  Henry  J.  S.  Cotton,  K.C.S.L 
The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Courtney. 
Sir  Frederic  Hyman  Cowen. 
The  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  Cromer,  P.C, 

G.C.B.,  O.M.,  G.C.M.G.,   K.C.S.L,  CLE. 
The   Right   Honourable   the   Earl    Curzon   of 

Kedleston,    P.C,   G.CS.L,   G.C.I.E. 
The   Right    Honourable   the   Earl   of   Desart, 

The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Desborough, 

The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Devonport,  P.C. 
Mr.  Robert  Donald. 
The  Right  Honourable  Sir  H.  Mortimer  Dur- 

and,  G.C.M.G. 
Admiral  of  the  Fleet,  The  Right  Honourable 

Lord  Fisher,  G.CB.,  O.M. 
Sir    George    Frampton,    R.A.,    LL.D.,    F.S.A., 

Surgeon-General      Sir      Benjamin      Franklin, 

The    Right    Honourable     Sir    Edward     Fry, 

The  Right   Honourable  Lord  Furness. 
Mr.  John  Galsworthy. 
Sir  Henry  Rider  Haggard,  J.P. 
The    Right    Honourable,    The   Earl   of    Hals- 
bury,  P.C 
Mr.  Frederick  Harrison,  M.A. 
Sir  Sidney  Lee. 

Sir  Thomas  Johnstone  Lipton,  K.C.V.O. 
The    Right    Honourable    Sir     Thomas     Boor 

Crosby,  M.D.,  Lord  Mayor  of  London. 
The  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  Lonsdale. 
The  Right  Honourable  Sir  C  M.  Macdonald, 

K.CB.,  G.C.M.G.,  K.C.M.G.,  G.C.V.O. 
Right  Honourable  Sir  William  Mather,  P.C, 

J.P.,  LL.D. 
Mr.  Felix  Moscheles. 
The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Mount-Stephen, 

G.C.V.O.,  D.L. 
Right     Honourable     Sir      Francis     Mowatt, 

G.CB.,   K.C.B.,   P.C,   LS.O. 
The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Northcliffe. 
The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Rayleigh,   P.C, 



The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Reay,  P.C, 
K.T.,  G.C.S.I.,  G.C.I.E 

The  Right  Honourable  The  Earl  Roberts  of 
Kandahar,  P.C,  K.G.,  K.P,  G.C.B,  O.M., 
G.L.S.I.,   G.C.I.E,   V.C.,   V.D. 

The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Rothschild,  P.C., 

Right  Honourable  Sir  Ernest  M.  Satow, 
G.C.M.G.,  K.C.M.G.,  D.C.L. 

The  Venerable  Archdeacon  William  M.  Sin- 
clair, D.D. 

Right  Honourable  Sir  Edgar  Speyer,  P.C. 

iir  Joseph  John  Thomson,  F.R.S.,  F.R.S.E., 

Sir  Herbert  Beerbohm  Tree. 

The  Right   Honourable  Lord  Weardale. 

The  Right  Honourable  Lord  Welby,  G.C.B. 

The  Most  Reverend  His  Grace  the  Lord  Arch- 
bishop of  York. 


The  Right  Honourable  Robert  Laird  Borden. 
D.C.L.,  K.C.,  M.P.,  The  Premier  of  Can- 

Professor  Frank  Dawson  Adams,  Ph.D.,  D.Sc, 
F.G.S.A.,  F.R.S. 

The  Honourable  Francis  Alexander  Anglin, 

Professor  Alfred  Baker,  M.A.,  F.R.S. 

The  Honourable  N.  A.  Belcourt,  LL.D.,  K.C. 

Mr.  Robert  Bell,  LS.O.,  M.D.,  D.Sc,  F.R.S. 

The  Honourable  Treffie  Berthiaume. 

Mr.  Charles  James  Stewart  Bethune,  B.A., 
M.A.,  D.C.L. 

Lieutenant-Colonel,  The  Honourable  Sir  Fred- 
erick William  Borden,  K.C.M.G.,  P.C, 
B.A.,  M.D.,  M.P. 

Mr.  George  Morris  Bosworth. 

The  Honourable  Sir  Mackenzie  Bowell, 
K.C.M.G.,  P.C 

The  Honourable  Byron  MofTatt  Britton,  M.A., 

The  Right  Reverend  Mgr.  Paul  Bruchesi, 
Archbishop  of  Montreal. 

The  Reverend  George  Bryce,  M.A.,  D.D., 
LL.D.,  F.R.S.C. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  Jeffrey  Hale  Burland, 
B.A.Sc,  F.C.S. 

Mr.  Bliss  Carman,  B.A. 

The  Right  Honourable  Sir  Richard  John  Cart- 
wright,  P.C,  G.C.M.G.,  K.C.M.G. 

Lieutenant-Colonel,  The  Honourable  Joseph  P. 
B.  Casgrain. 

The  Honourable  Walter  Gibson  Pringle  Cas- 
sels,  B.A.,  K.C. 

The  Honourable  Charles  F.  X.  Alexander 
Chauveau,  LL.D.,  K.C. 

The  Honourable  Philippe  Auguste  Choquette, 
LL.D.,  K.C 

The  Honourable  Sir  William  Mortimer  Clark, 
Kt.,  W.S.,  K.C,  LL.D. 


Sir  Edward  Clouston,  Bart. 

The  Honourable  James  Craig,  K.C. 

The  Honourable  Thomas  Crawford. 

The  Honourable  Charles  Wilson  Cross,  B.A., 

The    Honourable    Thomas    Wilson    Crothers, 

B.A.,  K.C.,  M.P. 
The     Honourable     Raoul     Dandurand,     P.C, 

LL.D.,  K.C. 
The   Honourable    Sir    Louis    Henry   Davies, 

K.C,    K.C.M.G. 
The  Honourable  Thomas  Osborne  Davis 
The    Honourable    Leverett    George    DeVeber, 

The  Honourable  James  Moflfat  Douglas. 
The   Right   Reverend   Andrew   Hunter   Dunn, 

M.  A.,  Lord  Bishop  of  Quebec. 
Professor    Robert   Alexander   Falconer,    B.A., 

M.A.,   B.D.,   D.Litt,  D.D.,  LL.D. 
The    Honourable    William    Stevens    Fielding, 

D.C.L.,  LL.D.,  P.C. 
The  Honourable  Sydney  Arthur  Fisher,  B.A., 

The   Right   Honourable   Sir   Charles   Fitzpat- 

rick,   B.A.,   D.L.,   P.C,   K.C.M.C 
Sir     Sandford     Fleming,     K.C.M.G.,     LL.D., 

Lieutenant-Colonel,      The      Honourable      Ro- 

dolphe  Forget,  M.P. 
The   Honourable  William  James  Gage. 
The  Reverend  Charles  William  Gordon,  LL.D., 

The   Very    Reverend    Daniel    Miner    Gordon, 

M.A.,  B.D.,  D.D.,  LL.D. 
The  Honourable  Sir  Lomer  Gouin,  B.C.L. 
Sir  James  Alexander  Grant,  M.D.,  K.C.M.G. 
The  Honourable  F.  B.  Gregory. 
Mr.  Wilfred  Thomason  Grenfell,  C.M.G.,  M.D., 

M.R.C.S.,  L.R.C.P. 
James  John  Edmund  Guerin,  M.D. 
Mr.  Hans  Theodor  Gussow,  F.R.M.S. 
The  Most  Reverend  His  Grace  the  Lord  Arch- 
bishop    and     Metropolitan     of     Ottawa, 

Charles  Hamilton,  D.D.,  D.C.L. 
Colonel  Samuel  Hughes,  M.P. 
The    Honourable    Sir    Louis    Amable    Jette, 

K.C,   K.C.M.G.,   LL.D. 
The    Honourable    William     Lyon     Mackenzie 

King,   C.M.G.,   M.P.,  M.A.,  Ph.D.,  LL.B., 

Rear-Admiral   Charles   Edmund  Kingsmill. 
Sir  Alexander   Lacoste,   LL.D.,   D.C.L.,   K.C, 

Sir    Francois    Xavier   Langelier,    Kt.,    B.C.L., 

The   Honourable    Rodolphe    Lemieux,     K.C., 

LL.D.,  F.R.S.C. 
The  Honourable  James  Pitt  Mabee,  K.C. 
The  Honourable  Charles  Daniel   Macaulay. 
Brigadier-General  Donald  Alexander  Macdon- 
ald,  LS.O.,  C.M.G. 


The  Honourable  William  John  Macdonald. 

Sir  Donald  Mann. 

The  Honourable  Charles  Marcil. 

The  Honourable  James  Drummond  Mc- 

The  Honourable  Sir  William  Ralph  Meredith, 
LL.D.,  K.B. 

The  Honourable  Charles  Murphy,   P.C,  M.P. 

The  Honourable  Simon  Napoleon  Parent, 
LL.D.,  D.C.L.,  K.C. 

The  Honourable  Louis  Philippe  Pelletier, 
B.A.,LL.L.,  LL.D. 

Professor  William  Peterson,  M.A.,  LL.D., 

Mr.  Edward  Ernest  Prince,  LL.D.,  F.R.S.C. 

The  Honourable  William  Renwick  Riddell, 
B.A.,  B.Sc,  LL.B.,  F.B.S. 

The  Honourable  Robert  Rogers. 

The  Honourable  Alexander  Cameron  Ruther- 
ford,  B.A.,  B.C.L.,  LL.D.,  M.L.A. 

Miss  Margaret  Marshall  Saunders. 

The  Honourable  Clifton  Sifton,  B.A.,  P.C, 

His  Excellency  Most  Reverend  Pellegrino 
Francesco  Stagni,  O.S.M.,  D.D.,  Apostolic 

The  Honourable  Sir  Melbourne  McTaggart 
Tait,  Kt.,  D.C.L. 

The  Honourable  Adelard  Turgeon,  C.M.G., 
C.V.O.,  B.C.L. 

The  Honourable  Sir  Robert  Linton  Weather- 
bee,  Kt. 

The  Honourable  William  T.  White. 


Mr.  Harry  J.  Crowe. 


British  Committee  for  Celebrating 
the  One  Hundredth  Anniversary 
of  Peace  Among  English- 
Speaking  Peoples 

(189-190   Central    Buildings,  Westminster, 

President — The   Rt.   Hon   Earl  Grey,   G.   C. 

M.  G.,  G.  C.  V.  O. 
Secretary — H.  S.  Perris,  M.  A. 
Chairman  Executive  Committee — Lord  Shaw. 
Treasurer — Lord  Cowdray. 
Honorary   Treasurers — Lord  Rothschild  and 

Lord  Revelstoke. 
Honorary     Solicitors — Messrs.      Coward      & 

Hawksley  Sons  &  Chance. 
Honorary  Auditors — Messrs.  Deloitte,  Plend- 

er,  Griffiths  &  Co. 

Rt.  Hon.  Bonar  Law 
Sir  Oliver  Lodge 
Mr.  Ramsay  MacDonald,  M.P.,   (Chairman  of 

Labour  Party) 
The  Bishop  of  Hereford 

Professor  Dowden    (Trinity  College,  Dublin) 
Sir  Henry  E.  Roscoe 
Lord  Rayleigh 
The  Lord  Mayor  of  Bristol 
Rev.  Dr.  Wells,  Moderator  of  the  United  Free 

Church  of  Scotland 
Rev.  J.  Estlin  Carpenter  (Unitarian) 
The  Bishop  of  Birmingham 
Rt.  Hon.  R.  McKenna,  Secretary  of  State  for 

Home  Dept. 
Rev.    Pearson   McAdam   Muir,  Moderator   of 

the  Church  of  Scotland 
Rt.    Hon    Sydney    Buxton,    President    of    the 

Board  of  Trade 
Rt.   Hon.   J.    Pease,   President   of   the   Board 

of  Education 
Sir  G.  H.  Hoolden 

Master  of  Elibank,  Chief  Government  Whip 
Lord  Mount  Stephen 
Sir  W.  B.  Richmond 
Sir  Philip  Magnus,  M.P. 
Marquess  of  Lincolnshire 
Sir  G.  O.  Trevelyan 
President  of  the  Baptist  Union  of  Gt.  Britain 

and  Ireland 
Rt.  Hon.  L.  Harcourt,  Secretary  of  State  for 

the  Colonies 
Archbishop  of  Westminster 
Dean  of  Durham 
Rev.  J.  Clifford,  D.D. 
Sir  Edward  Fry 


Earl  of  Cromer 

Rt.  Hon.  T.  McKinnon  Wood,  Secretary  for 

President  of  the  Wesleyan  Conference 

Sir  E.  Ray  Lankester 

Rt.  Hon.  W.  Runciman,  President  of  the 
Board  of  Agriculture 

Lord  Tennyson 

Bishop  of  Lincoln 

Rev.  Stopford  Brooke 

Sir  W.  R.  Anson 

Sir  James  D.  Linton,  President  of  the  Royal 
Institute  of  Painters  in  Water  Colours 

Sir  Aston  Webb,  R.A. 

Sir  A.  Geikie,  President  of  the  Royal  Society 

Lord  Rosebery 

The  Chairman,  The  Stock  Exchange 

Lord  Reay 

Sir  Norman  Lockyer 

Sir  Thomas   Barlow 

Viscount  Midleton 

Earl  Curzon  of  Kedleston 

Walter  Crane 

Sir  Edward  Elgar,  O.M.,  Mus.  Doc. 

Principal  Reichel,  Vice-Chancellor  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Wales 

C.  E.  Hobhouse,  Chancellor  of  the  Duchy 

Lord  Mayor  of  Bradford 

Lord  Mayor  of  Birmingham 

Lord  Furness 

Sir  Frank  Lascelles 

The  Bishop  of  Winchester 

Mr.  Gerard  N.  Ford 

Provisional  Executive  Committee 

Lord  Shaw,  of  Dunfermline,  Chairman 

The  Hon.  Neil  Primrose,  M.P. 

Captain  the  Hon.  Arthur  C.  Murray,  M.P. 

Mr.  W.  G.  C.  Gladstone,  M.P. 

Mr,  E.  Crawshay-Williams,  M.P. 

Mr.  J.  L.  Baird,  M.P. 

Sir  Clement  Hill,  K.C.M.G.,  M.P. 

Sir  Gilbert  Parker,  M.P. 

The  Earl  of  Ronaldshay,  M.P. 

Lord  Abinger 

Mr.  J.  Allen  Baker,  M.P. 

Lord  Balfour  of  Burleigh 

Mr.  A.  Shirley  Benn,  M.P. 

Mr.  A.  A.  Booth  (Chairman,  Cunard  Line) 

Mr.  Harry  E.  Brittain 

Mr.  Sidney  Brooks 

Mr.  H.  W.  Carr-Gomm,  M.P. 

Sir  William  J.  Collins  (Vice-Chancellor,  Lon- 
don University) 

Mr.  Robert  Donald 

Lord  Dunmore 

Mr.  Gordon  Harvey,  M.P.  (Chairman  Na- 
tional Peace  Council) 

Mr.  Walter  Hazell  (Chairman  Peace  Society) 

Sir  Charles  S.  Henry,  Bt.,  M.P. 

Rev.  Silvester  Home,  M.P. 


Lord  Howick 

Lord  Kinnaird 

Mr.  Arthur  Lee,  M.P. 

The  Bishop  of  London 

Mr.  Ramsay  Macdonald,  M.P. 

Sir  Philip  Magnus,  M.P. 

Lord  Marchamley 

Sir  William  Mather 

Mr.  Almeric  Paget,  M.P. 

Sir  George  Riddell 

Mr.  Arnold  Rowntree,  M.P. 

Sir  Douglas  Straight 

Sir  T.  Vezey  Strong 

Sir  George  Wyatt  Truscott,  Bt. 

Lord  Weardale 

Colonel  Robert  Williams,  M.P. 

Dean  of  Worcester 

Among  the   members   of  the  British   Com- 
mittee are: 

W.  A.  Appleton,  Secretary  General  Fed- 
eration of  Trade  Unions 

Lord  Avebury 

Rt.  Hon.  A.  J.  Balfour 

Lord  Charles  Beresford 

Bishop  of  London 

Rt.  Hon.  Lord  Brassey 

Harry  E.  Brittain,  founder  Pilgrim  So- 

Archbishop  of  Canterbury 

Rt.  Hon.  Austin  Chamberlain 

Sir  John  Cockburn 

Robert  Donald,   Editor  Daily  Chronicle 

Sir  A.  Conan  Doyle 

Lord  Furness 

Rt.  Hon.  Lewis  Harcourt,  M.  P. 

Anthony  Hope  Hawkins 

Lord  Mayor  of  Dublin 

Lord  Mayor  of  London 

Dr.  Henry  A.  Myers,  Principal  London 

Lord  Northcliffe 

Sir  Arthur  Pinero 

Earl  Roberts 

Hon.  Lyon  L.  deRothschild 

Sir  Ernest  Shackleton 

Sir    Richard    Solomon,    High    Commis- 
sioner for  Union  of  South  Africa 

Lord  Tennyson,  First  Governor  of  Aus- 
tralian Commonwealth 

Rt.    Hon.   T.    McKinnon   Wood,    Secre- 
tary for  Scotland 

Israel  Zangwill 

Canadian  and  Other  Committees 

Canadian  Committee,  Ottawa,  now  organiz- 
nig  under  the  auspices  of  Hon.  George  Halsev 
Perley,   M.   P. 

Committees  are  in  process  of  organization  in 
New  Zealand,  Australia,  the  Union  of  South 
Africa,  and  elsewhere  throughout  the  English- 
speaking  world. 


Honorary  Members-at-Large 

Aiken,  Wyatt,  Abbeville,  S.  C. 
Akin,  Theron,  Akin,  N.  Y. 
Allen,  Alfred  G.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
Ames,  Butler,  Lowell,  Mass. 
Anderson,  Carl   C,  Fostoria,  O. 
Anderson,   Sydney,  Lanesboro,  Minn. 
Ansberry,  Timothy  T.,  Defiance,  O. 
Ayres,  Steven  B.,  New  York. 
Baker,  Newton  D.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Bankhead,  John  H.,  Jasper,  Ala. 
Barchfeld,  Andrew  J.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Bingham,  Henry  H.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Blackmon,  Fred  L.,  Anniston,  Ala. 
Blankenburg,  Rudolph,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Bowman,  Charles  C,  Pittston,  Pa. 
Bradley,  Thomas  W.,  Walden,  N.  Y. 
Brantley,  William  G.,  Brunswick,  Ga. 
Briggs,  Frank  O.,  Trenton,  N.  J. 
Brown,  Norris,  Kearney,  Neb. 
Burke,  Thomas,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Burnham,  Henry  E.,  Manchester,  N.  H. 
Burns,  Cornelius  F.,  Troy,  N.  Y. 
Butler,  Thomas  S.,  West  Chester,  Pa. 
Calder,  William  M.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Campbell,  Philip  B.,  Pittsburgh,  Kan. 
Gary,  William  J.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
Chamberlain,    George    E.,    Portland,    Ore. 
Clapp,  Moses  E.,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 
Clayton,  Henry  D.,  Eufaula,  Ala. 
Copley,  Ira  C,  Aurora,  111. 
Crago,  Thomas  S.,  Waynesburg,  Pa. 
Crane,  William  Murray,  Dalton,  Mass. 
Crump,  Edward  H.,  Memphis,  Tenn. 
Crumpacker,  Edgar  D.,  Valparaiso,  Ind. 
Cummins,  Albert  B.,  Des  Moines,  Iowa. 
Davidson,  James  H.,  Oshkosh,  Wis. 
Davis,  John  W.,  Clarksburg,  W.  Va. 
Dilling,  George  W.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Dixon,  Joseph  M.,  Missoula,  Mont. 
Driscoll,  Michael  E.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Dupre,  H.  Garland,  New  Orleans,  La. 
Dwight,  John  W.,  Dryden,  N.  Y. 
Edwards,  Charles  G.,  Savannah,  Ga. 
Evans,  Lynden,  Chicago,  111. 
Fitzgerald,  John  F.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Fletcher,  Duncan  U.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
Flood,  Henry  D.,  Appomattox,  Va. 
Fornes,  Charles  V.,  New  York. 
Foss,    George    Edmond,    Chicago,    111. 
Fowler,  H.  Robert,  Elizabethtown,  111. 
French,  Burton  L.,  Moscow,  Idaho. 
Fuhrmann,  Louis  P.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
Fuller,  Charles  E.,  Belvidere,  111. 
Gamble,  Robert  J.,  Yankton,  S.  D. 
Gillett,  Frederick  H.,  Springfield,  Mass. 
Goodwin,  William  S.,  Warren,  Ark. 
Gore,  Thomas  P.,  Lawton,  Okla. 
Cray,  Finly  H.,  Connersville,  Ind. 


Griest,  William  W.,  Lancaster,  Pa. 
Guernsey,  Frank  E.,  Dover,  Me. 
Harrison,  Carter  H.,  Chicago,  111. 
Harrison,  Francis  Burton,  New  York. 
Hayes,  Everis  A.,  San  Jose,  Cal. 
Head,  William  O.,  Louisville,  Ky. 
Heald,  William  H.,  Wilmington,  Del. 
Heyburn,  Weldon  B.,  Wallace,  Idaho. 
Hobson,  Richmond  Pearson,  Greensboro,  Ala. 
Howard,  William  Schley,  Decatur,  Ga. 
Howland,  Paul,  Cleveland,  O. 
Humphrey,  William  E.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Kern,  John  W.,  Indianapolis,   Ind. 
Kindred,  John  J.,  Long  Island  City,  N.  Y. 
Kinkaid,  Moses  P.,  O'Neill,  Neb. 
Knowland,  Joseph  R.,  Alameda,  Cal. 
Kopp,  Arthur  W.,  Platteville,  Wis. 
LaFollette,  Robert  M.,  Madison,  Wis. 
Lenroot,  Irvine  L.,  Superior,  Wis. 
Levy,  Jefferson  M.,  New  York. 
Lippitt,  Henry  F.,   Providence,  R.  I. 
Littlepage,  Adam  B.,  Charlestown,  W.  Va. 
Littleton,  Martin  W.,  New  York. 
Lloyd,  James  T.,  Shelbyville,  Mo. 
Lodge,  Henry  Cabot,  Nahant,  Mass. 
Longworth,  Nicholas,  Cincinnati,  O. 
Madden,  Martin  B.,  Chicago,  111. 
Martin,  Eben  W.,  Deadwood,  S.  D. 
McCumber,  Porter  J.,  Wahpeton,  N.  D. 
McKinley,  William  B.,  Champaign,  111. 
McLean,  George  P.,  Simsbury,  Conn. 
Moore,  J.  Hampton,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Morgan,  Dick  T.,  Woodward,  Okla. 
Mott  Luther  W.,  Oswego,  N.  Y. 
Oliver,  George  T.,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 
Olmsted,  Marlin  E.,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 
Palmer,  A.  Mitchell,  Stroudsburg,  Pa. 
Patten,  Thomas  G.,  New  York 
Penrose,  Boies,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Pepper,  Irvin  S.,  Muscatine,  Iowa. 
Peters,  Andrew  J.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Pickett,  Charles  E.,  Waterloo,  Iowa. 
Poindexter,   Miles,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Raker,  John  E.,  Alturas,  Cal. 
Ransdell,  Joseph  E.,  Lake  Providence,  La. 
Redfield,  William  C,  New  York. 
Reyburn,  William  Stuart,  Phiadelphia,  Pa. 
Rice,  Frank  J.,  New  Haven,  Conn. 
Rice,  Horace  B.,  Houston,  Tex. 
Richardson  William,  Huntsville,  Ala. 
Rothermel,  John  H.,  Reading,  Pa. 
Russell,  Joseph  J.,  Charleston,  Mo. 
Seidel,  Emil,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
Sharp,  William  G.,  Elyria,  Ohio. 
Sherley,  Swager,  Louisville,  Ky. 
Simmons,  James  S.,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 
Slayden,  James  L.,  San  Antonio,  Tex. 
Small,  John  H.,  Washington,  N.  C. 
Sulzer,  William,  New  York. 
Talcott,  Charles  A.,  Utica,  N.  Y. 
Whitlock,  Brand,  Toledo,  Ohio. 
Works,  John  D..  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 


Honorary  Members 

(Appointed  by  Governors  as  State  Com- 
mittees; number  to  be  augmented  with 
change  of  Gubernatorial  Administration.) 

These  Committees  will  represent  National 
Committee  in  all  State  matters. 

Edmonds,   Rev.   Henry  M.,   Montgomery. 
Evans,  Dr.  W.  E.,  Birmingham. 
Screws,  William  Wallace,  Montgomery. 
Stevens,  Thomas  M.,  Mobile. 
Walker,  Judge  Richard  W.,  Huntsville. 


Distin,  William  L.,  Juneau. 
Joslin,  Falcon,  Fairbanks. 
Lyons,  Thomas  R.,  Juneau. 
Murane,  Cornelius  D.,  Nome. 
Ostrander,  John  Y.,  Cordova. 


Egan,  Mark  J.,  Clifton. 
Herring,  William,  Tucson. 
Kent,  Edward,  Phoenix. 
Riordan,  Michael  J.,  Flagstaff. 
Wells,  Edwin  W.,  Prescott. 


Adams,  Elva  B.,  Pueblo. 
Bucklin,  James,  Grand  Junction. 
King,  Judge  Alfred  R.,  Delta. 
Thomas,  Charles  S.,  Denver. 
White,  Judge  S.  Harrison,  Denver. 


Adler,  Max,  New  Haven. 

Call,  Arthur  D.,  Hartford. 

Curtis,  George  M.,  Meriden. 

Kimball,  Arthur  R.,  Waterbury. 

Luther,  Dr.  Flavel  S.,  Hartford. 

Pinney,  Edwin  C,  Stafford. 

Rogers,  Dean  Henry  Wade,  New  Haven. 

Shanklin,  Dr.  William  A.,  Middletown. 

Conrad,  Henry  C,  Georgetown. 
Gray,  George,  Wilmington. 
Harter,   Dr.  George  A.,  Newark. 
Marshall,  Dr.  George  W.,  Milford. 
Marvel,  Josiah,  Wilmington. 


Harris,  Hunt,  Key  West. 

Jennings,   William    Sherman,    Jacksonville. 

Myers,  Fred  T.,  Tallahassee. 

Reilly,  Frank,  Pensacola. 

Savarese,  John,  Tampa. 


Hammond,  Judge  William  R.,  Atlanta. 
Lamdin,  William  W.,  Wavcross. 
McCord,  Henry  Y.,  Atlanta. 
Mcintosh,  Henry  M.,  Albany. 
McKinney,  Robert  L.,  Macon. 

Ailshie,  Judge  James  F.,  Boise. 
Barker,  George  R.,  Sandpoint. 
Dietrich,  Judge  Frank  S.,  Boise. 
Hyde,  W.  A.,  Pocatello. 
McCutcheon,  Mrs.  Otto  E.,  Idaho  Falls. 


Addams,  Miss  Jane,  Chicago. 
Forgan,  James  B.,  Chicago. 
Judson,  Dr.  Harry  P.,  Chicago. 
Keeley,  James,  Chicago. 
Reynolds,  George  M.,  Chicago. 


Ade,  George,  Brook. 

Fairbanks,   Charles  Warren,  Indianapolis. 

Gray,  Finley  H.,  Connersville. 

Kern,  John  W.,  Indianapolis. 

Riley,  James  Whitcomb,  Indianapolis. 

Berryhill,  Mrs.  James  G.,  Des  Moines. 
Cole,  Cyrenus,  Cedar  Rapids. 
Perkins,  George  B.,  Sioux  City. 
Tinley,  Emmet,  Council  Bluffs. 
Waite,  J.  L.,  Burlington. 


Gray,  John,  Kirwin. 
Hopkins,  Richard  J.,  Garden  City. 
Marble,  George,  Ft.  Scott. 
Nicholson,  John  C,  Newton. 
Sticher,  Henry  C,  Osage  City. 

Buckner,  Simon  Bolivar,  Mumfordvilie. 
Cowan,  Andrew,  Louisville. 
Shelby,  John  T.,  Lexington. 
Speed,  James  B.,  Louisville. 
McCreery,  James  B.,  Richmond. 


Barret,  Thomas  C,  Shreveport. 
Farrnbacher,  Solon,  Baton  Rouge. 
Hart,  William  O.,  New  Orleans. 
Moss,  Paul  O.,  Lake  Charles. 
Polk,  William,  Alexandria. 

Boothby,  Mrs.  Frederic  E.,   Portland. 
Chase,  Dr.  George  C,  Lewiston. 
Grossman,  George  L.,  Saco. 


Roberts,  Dr.  Arthur  J.,  Waterville. 
Walz,  Prof.  William  E.,  Orono. 

Capen,  Samuel  B.,  Boston. 
Ginn,  Edwin,  Boston. 
Martin,  George  H.,  Lynn. 
Paine,  Robert  Treat,  Boston. 
Walker,  Joseph,  Brookline. 


Angell,  James  B.,  Ann  Arbor. 
Moore,  Joseph  B.,  Lansing. 
Palmer,  Thomas  W.,  Detroit. 
Schrembs,  Rev.  Joseph,  Grand  Rapids. 
Townsend,  Charles  E.,  Jackson. 


Grant,  Gen.  Louis  A.,  Minneapolis. 
Ireland,  Rt.  Rev.  John.  St.  Paul. 
Kingsbury,  David  L.,  St.  Paul. 
Northrop,  Cyrus,  Minneapolis. 
Tawney,  James  A.,  Winona. 

Bratton,  Rt.  Rev.  Theodore  D.,  Jackson. 
Cooper,  Dr.  Inman  Williams,  Brookhaven. 
Griffith,  Benjamin  Whitfield,  Vicksburg. 
Niles,  Henry  C,  Kosciusko. 
Scott,  Charles,  Rosedale. 

Bartholdt,  Richard,  St.  Louis. 
Beardsley,  Henry  M.,  Kansas  City. 
Green,  Dr.  John  P.,  Liberty. 
Hill,  Dr.  A.  Ross,  Columbia. 
King,  Capt.  Henry,  St.  Louis. 


Alexander,  Thomas,  Forsyth. 
Clark,  William  A.,  Butte. 
Downing,  William  G.,  Great  Falls. 
Johnson,  Alexander  C,  Helena. 
Myers,  Henry  L.,  Hamilton. 


Harmon,  Harvey  H.,  Lincoln. 
Roach,  Isaac  F.,  Lincoln. 
Sawyer,  Andrew  J.,  Lincoln. 
Shipperd,  Theodore  M.,  Lincoln. 
Weatherly,  Arthur  L.,  Lincoln. 

Adams,  Jewett  W.,  Carson  City. 
Colcord,  Roswell  K.,  Carson  City. 
Dickerson,  Denver  S.,  Carson  City. 
Newlands,  Francis  G.,  Reno. 
Nixon,  George  S.,  Reno. 

New  Hampshire 

Annett,  Albert,  East  Jaffrey. 
Boutwell,  Henry  W.,  Manchester. 


Fellows,  James  G.,  Suncook. 
Foss,  A.  Melvin,  Dover. 
Merrow,  Lyford  A.,  Ossipee. 

New  Jersey 
Avis,  John  Boyd,  Woodbury. 
Fowler,  Charles  N.,  Elizabeth. 
Lewis,  Vivian  M.,  Paterson. 
Record,  George  L.,  Jersey  City, 
Roebling,  Washington  A.,  Trenton. 

New  Mexico 
DeBremond,  Charles,  Roswell. 
Larrazola,  Octaviano  A.,  Las  Vegas. 
Murray,  William  D.,  Silver  City. 
Raynolds,  Joshua  S.,  Albuquerque. 
Springer,  Frank,  Las  Vegas. 

New  York 
Carnegie,  Andrew,  New  York. 
Clune,  Rev.  Michael,  Syracuse. 
Fish,  Stuyvesant,  New  York. 
Low,  Seth,  New  York. 
Munsey,  Frank  A.,  New  York. 
Nelson,  Rt.  Rev.  Richard  H.,  Albany. 
Osborn,  William  Church,  New  York. 
Peabody,  George  Foster,  Lake  George. 
Pruyn,  Robert  C,  Albany. 
Sidway,   Frank   S.,   Buffalo. 

North  Carolina 
Bellamy,  John  D.,  Wilmington. 
Carlyle,  Prof.  John  B.,  Wake  Forest. 
Carr,  Gen.  Julian  S.  Durham. 
Hale,  Edward  J.,  Fayetteville. 
Moore,  Walter  E.,  Webster. 

North  Dakota 
Amidon,  Charles  F.,  Fargo. 
Harris,  Rev.  Charles  W.,  Bismarck. 
Kelly,  Col.  Joseph  N.,  Devil's  Lake. 
Makee,  Col.  William  H.,  Kenmare. 
Packard,  Frank,  Valley  City. 

Foraker,  Joseph  B.,  Cincinnati. 
Holden,  Liberty  E.,  Cleveland. 
Kilbourne,  James,  Columbus. 
Mack,  Gen.  Isaac  F.,  Sandusky. 
Massie,  D.  M.,  Chillicothe. 
Nichols,  Hugh  L.,  Batavia. 

Bradford,  George  H.,  Guthrie. 
Brooke,  Rt.  Rev.  Francis  K.,  Oklahoma  City. 
Brown,  Tom,  Claremore. 
Hayes,  Sam.,  Oklahoma  City. 
Maershaert,    Rt.    Rev.    Theophile,    Oklahoma 


Barkley,  Bishop  Henry  L.,  Portland. 
Cauthorn,  Alfred  W.,  Portland. 
Dart,  James,  St.  Helens. 
Shippee,  Prof.  Lester  B.,  I'orest  Grove. 
Waters,  Father  John  F.  A.,  Astoria. 


Bok,  Edward,  Philadelphia. 

Drinker,  Dr.  Henry  Sturgis,  South  Bethlehem. 

Gregg,  Gen.  David  McMurtrie,  Reading. 

Howard,  Josiah,  Emporium. 

Tower,  Charlemagne,  Philadelphia. 

Rhode  Island. 
Faunce,  Dr.  William  H.  P.,  Providence. 
Hazard,  Rowland,  Peacedale. 
Lapham,  Oscar,  Providence. 
Matteson,  Charles,   Providence. 
Utter,  George  H.,  Westerly. 

South  Carolina. 

Dargan,  John  J.,  Stateburg. 
Lodge,  Dr.  Lee  Davis,  Gaffney. 
Mitchett,  Dr.  Samuel  C,  Columbia. 
Moffat,  Dr.  James  S.,  Due  West. 
Snyder,  Dr.  H.  N.,  Spartanburg. 

South  Dakota. 
French,  Dr.  Calvin  H.,  Huron. 
Gault,  Dr.  Franklin  B.,  Vermilion. 
Kerfoot,  Dr.  Samuel  F.,  Mitchell. 
Slagle,  Dr.  Robert  L.,  Brookings. 
Warren,  Dr.  Henry  K.,  Yankton. 

Austin,  Richard  W.,  Knoxville. 
Garret,  Finis  J.,  Dresden. 
Lea,  Luke,  Nashville. 
Sells,  Sam  R.,  Johnson  City. 
Taylor,  Robert  L.,  Nashville. 

Dibrell,  Joseph  B.,  Austin. 
Garrett,  Bishop  Alexander  C,  Dallas. 
Kirby,  John  H.,  Houston. 
Kirwin,  Father  James  AL,  Galveston. 
Sanger,  Alexander,  Dallas. 


Freund,  Rabbi  Charles  J.,  Salt  Lake  City. 
Richards,  Mrs.  Emily  S.,  Salt  Lake  City. 
Sjodahl,  John  M.,  Salt  Lake  City. 
Smoot,  Reed,  Provo. 
Sutherland,  George,  Salt  Lake  City. 

Benton,  Dr.  G.  Potter,  Burlington. 
Dillingham,  William  P.,  Montpelier. 
Foster,  David  J.,  Burlington. 
Page,  Caroll  S.,  Hyde  Park. 

Plumley,  Frank,  Northfield. 
Spooner.  Dr.  Charles  H..  Northfield. 
Thomas,  Dr.  John  M.,  Middlebury. 

James,    Rorer   A.,    Danville 

Old    CoT^'w'ir  ^'\S'%^'  ^^-  Richmond. 
9;  if    ^^-  y^.^""  ^-  Norfolk. 
Scott,  Frederick  W.,  Richmond. 
Sims,  Frederick  W.,  Louisa. 

Cowles,  William  H.  Spokane. 
Mfthews   Rev.  M   A.,  Seattle. 

lurner,  George,  Spokane. 

West  Virginia. 
Baker,  Edward  S.,  Bramwell 
Fleming,  O.  Jay,  Grafton.       ' 
Gallaher,  DeWitt  C,  Charleston 
&    °"' A^-,  Clarence,  Sistersville 
Sperry,   Melvin,   Clarksburg. 

Fh'™^".'   ^iV^'"'   C"   LaCrosse. 

Brooks,  Bryant  B.,  Casper. 
Kendnck   John,  Sheridan. 
Marble,  Arthur,  Cheyenne. 
Osborne    John.  Rawlins. 
Patten,  Mrs.  H.  B.,  Cheyenne 


General  and  Cities  Committees 

(Committees  appointed  by  Mayors  as 
members  National  Committee;  to  serve  for 
purposes  of  local  celebration  and  in  all 
matters  affecting  Cities.) 


John  F.  Fitzgerald 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Alexander,    Rev.    James 
Andrews,    Mrs.    Fannie   Fern 
Bloomfield,    Meyer 
Bottomley,  Dr.  John  T. 
Brigham,  William  D. 
Brooks,    Stratton    D. 
Cardinal   O'Connell 
Chandler,  Edward  H. 
Christian,   Dr.   Andrew  F. 
Cole,   Rev.   William  I. 
Conrad,   Rev.   A.   Z. 
Dole,   Rev.   Charles   F. 
Eichler,  Rabbi  M.  M. 
Fleischer,    Rev.    Charles 
Frothingham,  Rev.  Paul  Revere 
Oilman,  John  E. 
Gordon,   Rev.   George  A. 
Hamilton,   Rev.   F.   W. 
Hemenway,  Mrs.  Augustus 
Horgan,   Dr.  John  A. 
Johnson,   Rev.   Herbert 
King,    Rev.   George   W. 
Lawrence,  Rt.  Rev.  William 
Lefavour,  Dr.  Henry 
Lowell,    Dr.   A.   Lawrence 
Maclaurin,   Dr.   Richard   C. 
Mann,    Rev.    Alexander 
McSweeney,  Edward  F. 
Mead,   Edwin   D. 
Mead,  Mrs.  Lucia  Ames 
Munroe,  James  P. 
Murlin,  Dr.  Lemuel  H. 
O'Connell,  Cardinal 
Roblin,  Rev.  S.  H. 
Shuman,  Abraham 
Storey,   Moorfield 
Tilley,  David  F. 
W'arren,  W^inslow 
Woods,  Robert  A. 




Mayor  of  Buffalo 

President  of  Chamber  of  Commerce 

President  Common  Council 

President   Board   of   Councilmen 

President    Board   of   Aldermen 

President  Board  of  Supervisors 

Chairman — Fenton    M.    Parke 

1st  Vice-Chairman — Joseph  R.   Baldwin 

2nd  Vice-Chairman — George  K.  Birge 

Honorary  Vice-Chairmen 

George  D.  Emerson 

Joseph  E.  Gavin 

George  Urban,  Jr. 

S.  Ginsburg 

Anthony  J.  Schreiber 

Joseph  G.  Bellanca 

Adam,  James  N. 
Albright,  John  J. 
Alexander,  De  Alva  S. 
Almy,  Francis 
Anderson,   Henry   G, 
Archbald,   Joseph   A, 
Armstrong,   Charles   N. 
Arnold,   George  J. 
Auhl,   Dr.   Charles  H.  W. 
Avery,    Truman    G. 
Babcock,  Louis  L. 
Baird,   Frank   B. 
Baker,  John  H. 
Baldwin,  Joseph  R. 
Balliett,  Carl  J. 
Balliett,  Harold  J. 
Barber,   Cyrus  L. 
Barcalo,  Edward  J. 
Bare,  Francis  S. 
Bardwell,  Ernest  G. 
Barker,   Albert 
Barr,  William   Henry 
Bartlett,   Dr.   G.   Hunter 
Bauman,   Gustave   C. 
Beck,   Dr.  William  F. 
Becker,  Fred  A. 
Becker,   Walter  W. 
Bellanca,  Joseph  G. 
Bernhard,    Philip 
Berrick,   Alfred   H. 
Bettcher,    Charles   F. 
Beyer,  Frank  A. 
Bippert,  Fred 
Birge,  George  K. 
Bissell,   Arthur  D. 
Bissell,   Herbert  P. 
Blair,    Odell    R. 
Block,   Joseph 
Bloschan,  John 
Boiler,  Henry  E. 


Borzilleri,    Dr.    Charles   R. 
Braun,  John  A. 
Brett,   C.   Edward 
Brown,   Walter    L. 
Buck,  George  S. 
Burd,  George  B. 
Butler,    Edward    H.,    Jr. 

Gary,    Dr.    Charles 
Chester,   Carl  T. 
Clarke,   Charles   M. 
Clement,    Stephen   M. 
Clinton,    George 
Clinton,    Spencer 
Codd,   Robert  M. 
Coleman,   John 
Collucci,   R. 
Connors,  William  J. 
Cook,   Dr.   Joseph   T. 
Cooke,  Thomas  F. 
Cooke,  Walter  P. 
Crafts,    John   W. 
Crangle,   Roland 
Crosby,   William    H. 
Curtiss,  Harlow  C. 
Curtiss,  Walter  L. 
Daniels,  William  H. 
Dann,  Jesse  C. 
Davis,   George  A. 
Day,  Robert  W. 
Deming,   Charles    G. 
Diehl,   George  C. 
Dold,   Jacob   C. 
Donaldson,    Robert  S. 
Douglas,   William   A. 
Driscoll,   Daniel  A. 
Dudley,  Wesley  C. 
Durand,  Edward  T. 

Eichel,  Robert 
Emerson,   George  D. 
Emerson,  Henry  P. 
Enos,  Laurens 
Ernst,   Henry 
Everson,   Albert 
Farrell,   David   B. 
Fitzpatrick,   William   H. 
Fleischmann,   Simon 
Forman,  Howard  V. 
Foster,   James  F. 
Foster,  Orrin  E. 
Fryer,  Robert  L. 
Gerrans,    H.    Montgomery 
Gibbs,  John  W. 
Ginsburg,  Solomon 
Gleber,   George  H. 
Glenny,  William  H. 
Godbald,   William   H. 
Goode,   Richard  W. 
Goodspeed,  William  P. 
Goodyear,  A.  Conger 
Gratwick,   William  H. 
Green,   Edward   B. 


Greene,   Francis   V. 
Greiner,  Fred 
Gulp,   Robert   C. 
Gurney,  Charles  L. 

Haas,   Frank  J. 
Haight,   Albert 
Hamlin,   Chauncey  J. 
Hammond,  Clark  H. 
Hanley,    Dr.    Lawrence   T. 
Harp,   J.    Thomas 
Hayd,   Dr.   Herman 
Hayes,    Edmund 
Heald,   Charles   M. 
Hearn,    Richard   F. 
Hedstrom,  Arthur  E. 
Hefford,   Robert   R. 
Heiss,  Christian 
Held,  Frank  C.  B. 
Hellriegel,  Fred.  C. 
Henry,  John 
Hickman,  Arthur  W. 
Hill,  Henry  W. 
Hiss,  William  J.,  Jr. 
Hobbie,  Dr.  George  S. 
Hofeller,  Edward  G. 

Hollister,   Evan 

Holmwood,  Frank   S. 

Horton,   Clinton,  T. 

Hotchkiss,  William  Henry 

Howard,  Frederick 

Howland,   Henry   R. 

Hubbell,  Clifford 

Humphrey,   Richard 

Humphrey,  William 

Hutchinson,   Edward   Howard 

Hynes,  John  J. 

Irwin,  Dudley  M. 

Jackson,  Edward  D. 

Joergenson,  James   P. 

Jones,  Bert  L. 

Jones,  Dr.  C.  Sumner 

Joslyn,  John  R. 

Justice,  William  G. 

Kellogg,  Ralph  H. 

Kennedy,  Hugh 

King,  William  A. 

King,  William  F. 

Kingsley,    Spencer   S. 

Kirkover,  Harry  D. 

Kloepfer,  John 

Koons,  Edward  L. 
Kreiger,  William 
Kreinheder,   Arthur  W. 
Langdon,   Andrew 
Lansill,  William 
LaReau,   Oliver  G. 
Larkin,  John  D. 
Lamed,  Josephus  N. 
Lascelles,  John  H. 
Laub,  Albert  F. 
Laughlin,  Joseph  J. 


Lautz,  Carl  A. 
Lautz,  Otto  J. 
Leininger,  Philip 
Lemmer,  John 
Lewis    Dr.  F.  Park 
Lewis,  George  A. 
Lewis,   Loran   L. 
Littell,  Hardin  H. 
Loomis,  Frank  M. 
Lormor,  Earl  E. 
Lutz,  George  F. 
MacGregor,   Clarence 
Mack,  Norman  E. 
Mann,  Elbert  B. 
Mann,   Dr.  Matthew  D. 
Martin,  Darwin  D. 
Marvin,  John  G.  H. 
Matthews,  George  B. 
Mazuca,   Pascal  V. 
McCall,  Henry  C. 
McDougal,  Elliott  C. 
McGraw,  Frank  S. 
McNair,  Eben.  O. 
Mehl,  Dr.   William  M. 
Meldrum,  Herbert  A. 
Meyer,   August  F. 
Meyer,  Dr.   Edward  J. 
Miller,   Edwin   G.   S. 
Mixer,  Knowlton 
Montgomery,   Edwin  W. 
Moot,  Adelbert 
Moseley,  Dr.  George  T. 
Murphy,  John  A. 
Neal,  Edgar  C. 
Northrup,  William  P. 
Norton,  Charles  P. 
Nowicki,  Stanislaus  S. 

O'Brian,  John  Lord 
O'Keefe,  Richard  C. 
Olmsted,  John  B. 
Olszanowski,  Frank  A. 
Onetto,  E.  E. 
Osborn,  Alexander  F. 
Otto,  William  E. 
Page,  Charles  G. 
Paget,  William 
Parke,  Fenton  M. 
Park,   Dr.  Roswell 
Penney,  Thomas 
Peterson,  Fred  J. 
Pomeroy,  Robert  W. 
Price,  John  H. 
Rahl,  Henry 
Ramsdell,  William  M, 
Ramsperger,  Samuel  J. 
Rand,   George  F. 
Reinecke,   Ottomar 
Rich,  G.  Barrett,  Sr. 
Richter,  Dr.  Julius 
Richter,  Dr.  M.  Allen 
Robertson,  William  E. 


Robinson,  John  W. 
Rogers,  William  A. 
Rohlfs,  Charles 
Rohr,   Matthew 
Root,  Robert  K. 
Rozan,  James  M. 
Rumsey,   Bronson 
Ruskievicz,  Frank 
Russell,  Dr.  Nelson  G. 
Ryan,  William  H. 

Saperston,  Willard  W. 
Sawyer,  George  P. 
Scatcherd,  John  N. 
Schaefer,  Dr.  George  W. 
Schelling,  Robert  F. 
Schmidt,  Frank  J. 
Schmidt,   Hans 
Schoelkopf,  Walter  H. 
Schoenhut,  Charles 
Schreiber,  Anthony 
Schwob,    Frank 
Sears,  Charles  B. 
Seilheimer,  Henry 
Severance,  Frank  H. 
Shire,  Moses 
Sidway,  Frank  S. 
Simon,  William 
Smith,  Charles  B. 
Smith,   Preston  R. 
Smith,  T.  Guilford 
Smithe,  Charles  A. 
Snokowski,  Peter  B. 
Sowers,  David  W. 
Spencer,  Seth  S.,  Jr., 
Sprague,   Carlton 
Sprague,  Henry  W. 
Spratt,  Maurice  C. 
Squire,  John  B. 
Staniland,  William   G. 
Statler,  Ellsworth  M. 
Stedler,  Robert  C. 
Steele,  Frank  B. 
Stewart,  Isaac  N. 
Stockton,  Dr.  Charles  G. 
Stringer,  George  A. 
Sullivan,  John  P. 
Sumner,  G.  Arthur 
Sumner,  Wilder  E. 

Taber,  M.  Emmett 

Tanke,  Eugene 

Tanke,  Theodore  C. 

Taylor,  Horace  F. 

Tennant,   Willis   H. 

Terhaar,  John 

Thomas,  Edwin  R, 

Thorn,  Frank  Bret 

Toughey,  Thomas  F. 

Tovey,  Alfred  E. 

Treptau,  Frank  M. 

Troup,  George 

Truitt,  Lieutenant-Colonel  Charles  M. 


Urban,  George,  Jr. 

Van    Allen,   John   W. 

Valanti,   Dr.  Frank  A. 

Vars,  Harry  T. 

Viele,  Sheldon  T. 

Walker,  John  K. 

Wall,  Maurice  M. 

Ward,   Francis  G. 

Ward,    Hamilton 

Warner,  Charles  F. 

Warren,  Edward  S. 

Warren,  William  C. 

Warren,  William  Y. 

Watson,  Arnold   B. 

Webster,  W.  E. 

Wedekindt,   Henry  W. 

Welch,   Brigadier   General   Samuel   M. 

Wende,  Gottfried  H. 

Weppner,  Edward  A. 

Westbrook.  Lloyd  L. 

Wheeler,  Albert  J. 

Wheeler,  Charles  B. 

White,  Ford 

Whitford,  Alfred  H. 

Wickwire,  Theodore  H.,  Jr. 

Wilcox,  Ansley 

Wile,  Herman 

Wilkie,   Lafayette 

Wilks,  Albert  A. 

Williams,  Frank  F. 

Wilson,  Charles  R. 

Wilson,  W.  Morse 

Wittlinger,  Rev.  Oscar  E. 

Wright,   Albert   B. 

Yeager,   Orson  E. 

Zawadzski,  Wladyslaw  H. 

Zeller,  Henry  C. 

Zenger,  Joseph 

Zimmerman,   George  M. 


Carter  H.  Harrison 

(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Anderson,  Bishop  Charles  P. 

Beals,  Charles  E. 

Bowen,  Mrs.  Joseph  T. 

Buffington,  E.  J. 

Butler,  Edward  B. 

Crane,  Charles  R. 

Deneen,  Governor  Charles  S. 

Eastman,  John  C. 

Goddard,  Leroy  A. 

Glogauer,  Fritz 

Hinman,  George  W. 

Hirsch,  Rev.  Emil  G. 
Hutchinson,  Charles  L. 
Jones,  Rev.  Jenkin  Lloyd 
Kohlsaat,  H.  H. 
Lawrence,  A.  M. 
Lawson,  Victor  F. 


Lindgren,  John  R. 
McCormick,  Medill 
McDowell,  Bishop  William  F. 
Morris,  Henry  C. 
Orde,  M.  B. 

Quigley,  Archbishop  James  E. 
Rossbach,  Fred  L. 
Shaffer,  John  C. 
Sheldon,  George  W. 
Skinner,  Edward  M. 
Tolman,  Edgar  B. 
Wheeler,  Harry  A. 
Young,  Mrs.  Ella  Flagg 


Chairman — Samuel  Mather 

Honorary  Vice-Chairman — Newton  D.  Baker 

(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 
Vice-Chairman — Dr.  Charles  F.  Thwing 
Vice-Chairman— Rev.  T.  S.  McWilliams 
Vice-Chairman — Rev.   Gilbert  Jennings 
Vice-Chairman — James  R.  Garfield 
Secretary— D^hti  C.  Mathews 
Treasurer — M.  A.  Marks 

Adams,   Charles  E. 

Brett,  W.  H. 

Bulkley,  R.  J. 

Burton,  Theodore  E. 

Cooley,  Rev.  Harris  R. 

Cowles,  J.  G.  W. 

deMoulin,  Very  Rev.  Frank 

Farrelly,  Rt.  Rev.  John  P. 

Garfield,  James  R. 

Goff,  F.  H. 

Gries,  Rabbi  Moses  J. 

Havens,  Munson  A. 

Herrick,    Myron    T.,    Ambassador    to 

Houck,  Rev.  M'g'r  G.  F. 
Houser,  Rev.  A.  Frank 
Howe,  Prof.  Charles  S. 
Howland,  Paul 
Jennings,  Rev.  Gilbert  P. 
Keeler,  Miss  Harriet  L. 
Leonard,  Rt.  Rev.  William  A. 
Lewis,  R.  E. 
Marks,  M.  A. 
Mathews,   D.   C. 
Mather,  Samuel 
McWilliams.  Rev.  T.  S. 
Meldrum,  Rev.  A.  B. 
Moran,  Rev.  Francis  T. 
Perkins,  Miss  Emma  M. 
Simons,  Rev.  M.  O. 
Stone,  Warren  S. 
Sutphen,  Rev.  Paul 
Thomas,  Harry 
Thwing,  Dr.  Charles  F. 
Tippy,  Rev.  Worth 
Wolsey,  Rabbi  Louis 



Emil  Seidel, 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Beck,  Matthias  A. 
Beflfel,  Dr.  John  M. 
Bender,  Walter 
Bilker,  Jacob  L. 
Bishop,  Walter  P. 
Boorse,  Dr.  Lorenzo 
Boyd,  Mrs.  Francis 
Brandecker,   Frank 
Bruce,  William  George 
Conte,  Arminio 
Currie,  James 
Deutsch,  Herman 
Edwards,  Rev.  Fred 
Gaylord,  Winfield  R. 
Gillan,  Silas  Y. 
Greenman,  Rev.  Walter 
Hill,  Henry 

Hipke,   Dr.   Gustave  H. 
Jacobs,  Rev.  Herbert  H. 
Melms,  Edmund  T. 
Perry,  Rev.  Enoch 
Pereless,  Nathan,  Jr. 
Philipp,  Emanuel  L. 
Quin,  Jeremiah 
Schuchard,   William   H. 
Spence,  Mrs.  Thomas 
Stone,  Nat. 
Stone,    Ray   L. 
Tegtmeyer,  Archie 
Thompson,  Carl  D. 
Thorndike,  Dr.  William 
Wagner,  Herman  A. 
Weber,  Frank 

Williams,  Miss  Katherine  R. 
Worden,  Albert  L. 


Hilary  E.  How^se 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Chairman,    Jacob    M.    Dickinson. 

Akers,  Albert  W. 
Baskette,  Gideon  H. 
Burch,  Robert  L. 
Dibbrell,  Frank 
Fall,  Joseph  Horton 
Foster,  Austin  P. 
Frank,  Joseph 
Gleason,  Rev.  Patrick  J. 
Gow^an,  George  A. 
Guthrie,  Frank  C. 
Hill,  Albert  E. 

Hutchinson,  Colonel  Thomas  S. 
Lellyett,  John  T. 
Love,  Hamilton 
Lewinthall,  Rabbi  Isadore 
Lewis,  Eugene  C. 

Rice,  deLong 
Thruston,  Gates  P.,  Jr. 
Timothy,  Oliver  J. 
Vance,   Dr.  James  I. 
Vertrees,  John  J. 
Weber,  Henri  C. 
Wills,  Major  Andrew  W. 
Wrenne,  Thomas  W. 

Frank  J.  Rice 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Adler,  Max 

Baldwin,   Governor  Simeon  E. 

Brown,  Rev.  Charles  R. 

Coyle,  Rev.  Father  John   D. 

Dent,  Rev.  E.  A. 

Farnam,  Professor  Henry  W. 

Farnam,  William  W. 

Farnsworth,  Frederick  F. 

Hadley,  Dr.  Arthur  T. 

Holcomb,  George  F. 

Lincoln,  Allan  B. 

Maurer,   Rev.   Oscar  A. 

Osborn,  Colonel  Norris  G. 

Palmer,  Rev.  Charles  Ray 

Piggott,  James  P. 

Rogers,  Professor  Henry  Wade 

Sargent,  Henry  B. 

Scoville,  Rev.  Charles  O. 

Stoddard,  Major  Louis  E. 

Stokes,  Rev.  Anson  Phelps 

Tilson,  John  Q. 

Troup,  Philip 

Tweedy,  Rev.  H.  H. 

Oilman,  Colonel  Isaac  M. 

Welch,  Louis  S. 

Woodruff,  Rollin  S. 


Martin  Behrman 

(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Amer,  Alfred  S. 

Barr,  Rev.  John  Christie 

Butler,  Pierce 

Coleman,  John  P. 

Cornelson,   Rev.   George   H.,   Jr. 

Dymond,  John,  Jr. 

Craighead,  Dr.  Edwin  B. 

Gilchrist,  N.  Elmer 

Hailey,    Homer    C. 

Hart,  W.  O. 

Heller,  Rev.  Max 

Kaiser,  Herbert  W. 

Levy,  Gordon  S. 

McCloskey,  Bernard 

McCloskey,  Joseph 

Mortimer,  Paul  E. 

Murphy,  John  H. 


Ringer,  Robert 
Saunders,   E.   D. 
Spearing,  J.  Zach. 
Trufant,  L.  A. 
Werlein,  Philip 


William  J.  Gaynor 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 
Honorary  Chairman,  J.  Pierpont  Morgan 

George  T.   Wilson 
Appleton,  R.  Ross 
Astor,  John  Jacob 
Barber,  William  A. 
Beard,  Daniel  C. 
Becker,  C.  Adelbert 
Belasco,  David 
Belmont,  August 
Bensel,  John  A. 
Boody,  David  A. 
Boross,  Eugen 
Cadwalader,  John  L. 
Carnegie,  Andrew 
Claflin,   John 
Crimmins,  John  D. 
Cortelyou,  George  B. 
Cromwell,  George 
Cutting,   R.   Fulton 
DeForest,  Robert  W. 
Dickhaut,    Rev.    Benjamin   E. 
Donnelly,  Rev.  Eugene  J. 
Earl,  Edward 
Farley,  Cardinal 
Franklin,  Lindley  M. 
Frew,  Walter  E. 
Gannon,  Frank  S. 
Gilbert,  Cass 
Gould,  George  J. 
Greenhut,  Benedict  J. 
Hard,  George  M. 
Havemeyer,  William  F. 
Hemphill,  Alexander  J. 
James,  General  Thomas  L. 
Johnson,  Alfred  E. 
Keep,  Charles  H. 
Lanier,  Charles 
Lyman,  Frank 
Marston,  Edwin  S. 
McDonnell,  Rt.  Rev.  Bishop 
McWilliams,  Daniel  W. 
Morgan,  J.  Pierpont 
Mulry,  Thomas  M. 
Parsons,  William  Bowne 
Perkins,  George  W. 
Post,  James  H. 
Ryan,  Thomas  F. 
Schaefer,  Edward  C. 
Schenck,  Henry  A. 
Schwab,  Charles  M. 
Sheldon,  Edward  W. 
Smith,  Samuel  R. 


Stern,  Leopold 
Stillman,  James  A. 
Straus,  Nathan 
Taft,  Henry  W. 
Vanderlip,  Frank  A. 
Waller,  Rev.  H.  D. 
Warnock,  William  A. 
Watson,  Archibald  R. 
Williams,  William  H. 
Winter,  Edwin  W. 
Zucca,  Antonio 


Philip  J.  Keller 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Chairman,  Peter  A.   Porter. 
Amberg,  Max 
Bacon,  Rev.  Albert  S. 
Barrows,  Rev.  William 
Barton,   Philip  P. 
Bermingham,  Rev.  Joseph  D. 
Bliss,  William  L. 
Brezing,  Rev.  Herman 
Butler,  Mighells  B. 
Brennan,   Thomas   M. 
Canavan,  Cornelius  T. 
Carveth,   Hector  R. 
Chormann,  Frederick 
Clancy,  Philip 
Cohn,  Morris,  Jr. 
Constantine,  Henry  A. 
Courter,  George  H. 
Crick,  Richard 
Cromley,  Charles  E. 
Cudaback,  Asher  T. 
Douglass,  Anthony  C. 
Dumville,   Harry  C. 
Dunlap,  Orrin  E. 
Francis,  Henry  A. 
Gaskill,  Charles  B. 
Gaskin,  Thomas 
Gittins,  Robert  H. 
Greig,  Walter 
Greenwood,   Samuel 
Haeberle,  George  C. 
Hardwicke,  Alan  H.   G. 
Harries,  William  E. 
Haskell,  Frank  W. 
Hooker,  Albert  H. 
Howard,  Henry  G, 
Hunter,  Joseph 
Isaacs,   David 
Jameson,  William  A. 
Jenny,  John  C. 
Johnson,   Frank  E. 
Keller,   Philip  J. 
Knox,  George  W. 
Level,  John  C. 
Lovelace,  Frederick  L. 
Lovell,  Thomas  Bailey 
Maddever,  Noah  F. 


Maloney,  Michael  P. 
Mason,  Fred 
Meldrum,  William  R. 
Montague,  Joseph  E. 
Mosher,  Rev.  Philip  W. 
Murphy,  James  F. 
Nassoiy,  Eugene 
Nicklis,  Eldred  E. 
Nye,  George  F. 
Ochs,  Henry  G. 
Ohrt,  Charles  J. 
Pettebone,  Lauren  W. 
Pfetsch,  Michael 
Pfohl,  Peter  P. 
Piper,  Charles  H. 
Porter,  Alexander  J. 
Rankine,  deLancey 
Russell,  Edward  E. 
Roche,  Rev.  James  J. 
Russ,  Charles 
Sackett,  Orville  R. 
Salt,  Francis  H. 
Schoellkopf,  Arthur 
Schumacher,  John 
Schwartz,  Daniel  W. 
Shepard,  George  G. 
Silberberg,  Louis  S. 
Simmons,  James  S. 
Swan,  Gayton  H. 
Taylor,  Reuben  A. 
Traverse,  James 
Walsh.  Rev.  Edward 
Whitehead,  George  W. 
Williams,  Edward  T. 
Wright,  George  E. 


Frank  K.  Mott, 

(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Brown,  Everett  J. 

Clark,  W.  C. 

Dempsey,  Rev.  Father  Edward  P. 

Dennison,  A.  A. 

Friedlander,  Rabbi  M. 

Goodspeed,   Rev.  Frank  L. 

McNally,  Rev.  Father  J.  B. 

McSweeney,  Rev.  Father  Thomas 

Moore,  Miss  Ethel 

Palmer,  Rev.  A.  W. 

Simonds,  Rev.  W.  D. 

Turner,  Mrs.  F.  C. 

Walker,  Wilbur 

White,  Rev.  George  W. 

Wood,  Miss   Bessie 


Rudolph  Blankenburg 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Acker,  Finley 
Austin,   Richard  L. 


Bailey,  Joshua  L. 
Beeber,  Dimner 
Brumbaugh,  Dr.  Martin  G. 
Bullitt,  William  C. 
Burnham,  George  Jr. 
Burpee,  W.  Atlee 

Clark,  E.  Walter 

Clark,  Herbert  L. 

Clothier,  Isaac  H. 

Curtis,  Cyrus  H.  K. 

Cuyler,  T.  DeWitt 

Dechert,  Henry  T. 

Dickson,  Samuel 

Dodge,  James  Mapes 

Edmunds,  Franklin  S. 

Edmunds,  Henry  R. 

Ely,  Theodore  N. 

Evans,  Powell 

Garman,  Ira  D. 

Glasgow,  William  A.,  Jr. 

Guenther,  Emil 

Hardart,  Frank 

Harper,  Clarence  L. 

Harrison,  Dr.  Charles  C. 

Harrity,  William  F. 

Hollar,  William  H. 

Hope,  James  F. 

Hull,  William  I. 

Jenks,  John  Story 

Keen,  Dr.  W.  W. 

Krauskopf,  Rabbi  Joseph 

Lea,  Arthur  H. 

Levy,  Max 

Longstreth,  William  M. 

Maloney,  Martin 

Mcllvain,  J.  Gibson 

Mitchell,  Dr.  Weir 

Moon,  Reuben  O. 

Morris,  John  T. 

Musser,  Dr.  John  H. 

Penrose,  Senator  Boies 

Potter,  William 

Potter,  William  P. 

Prefontaine,  Albert  M. 

Price,  Eli  Kirk 

Reeves,  Francis  B. 

Rhinelander,  Rt.  Rev.  Philip  M. 

Richardson,  Charles 

Ross,  David  H. 

Rowe,  Leo  R. 

Sharpless,  Isaac 

Simmington,  James 

Smith,  Edward  B. 

Smith,  Edgar  Fahs 

Smith,  Walter  George 

Strawbridge,  Frederic  H. 

Wagner,  General  Louis 

White,  Thomas  Raeburn 

Williams,  Dr.  Talcott 

Wilson,  Rev.  Bishop  Luther  B. 

Wing,  Asa  S. 

Wister,   Jones 
Wister,  Owen 
Wood,  Walter  M. 
Yarnell,  Stanley  A. 

Brand  Whitlock 
(Honorary  Member  National  Committee) 

Alexander,  Rabbi  David 
Ashley,   Henry  W. 
Brough,  Bernard  F. 
Brown,  Albertus 
rirown,  Clarence 
Brown,  Walter  F. 
Lmttenden,  Charles  E. 
Cochran,  Negley  D. 
O'Donnell,  O'Brien 
Donnelly,   Dr.  Peter 
Doyle,  John  H. 
Egan,  James  P. 
Gunckel,  John  E. 
Gunnell,  Rev.  George  E. 
Hillenkamp,  Frank 
Howard,  H.  J. 
Johnson,  Curtis 
Kaufmann,    Nathan 
Kinkade,  Reynolds  R. 
Killits,  John  M. 
Kinsey,   Colonel  Isaac 
Kline,  Mrs.  William 
Law,  Dr.  Mary  E. 
Libbey,  Edward  Drummond 
Locke,  Robinson 
Maher,  William  H. 
Manton,  John  P. 
O'Brien,  Rev.  Patrick 
Pilliod,  James  E. 
Pyle,  Dr.  John  S. 
Schmettau,  Charles  A. 
Schrembs,  Rt.  Rev.  Joseph 
Shepard,  Howard  J. 
Sheppe}',  Marshall 
Sherwood,  Isaac  R. 
Steinem,  Mrs.  Pauline 
Vollmayer,  Dr.  H.  R. 
Wright,  Nat  C. 


Barrett,  John 

Bartlett,    Paul   Wayland 

Beach,  Mrs.  Mary  C. 

Bell,    Dr.    Alexander    Graham 

Beyer,  Dr.  H.  G. 

Bush-Brown,  Henry  K. 

Carter,  Major-General  Wm.  H. 

Clark,   Rear  Admiral  Charles  E. 

Claxton,  Philander  P. 

Cox,  William  V. 


Dennis,  William  E. 

Ettenger,  Robert  Lee 

Glover,  Charles  C. 

Gompers,  Samuel 

Hackett,  Frank  Warren 

Haskell,  William  E. 

LaGarde,    Col.   Louis  A. 

Magee,  Charles  L. 

McGee,  W.  J. 

Miles,  Gen.  Nelson  A. 

Millet,   Francis   Davis 

Moore,  Edvirard  B. 

Noyes,  Frank  B. 

Page,  Dr.  Logan  W. 

Peary,  Rear  Admiral  Robert  E. 

Pinchot,   Gifford 

Powderly,  Terrance  V, 

Scott,  Col.  Hugh  L. 

Stokes,   Surgeon-General  Charles  F. 

Symons,  Col.  Thomas  W. 

Torney,   Surgeon-General   George  H. 

Warner,   Bernard  H. 

Watrous,  Richard  B. 

Wiley,  Dr.  Harvey  W. 

Woodward,  Robert  S. 



Special  Committees 

TO  expedite  and  facilitate  the  work 
of   the   National,   Executive   and  i 

Sub-Executive  Committees,  the  Com- 
mittees which  follow  have  been  ap- 
pointed. Besides  the  committees 
which  have  already  been  created, 
others  are  in  process  of  organization 
which  will  have  reference  to  co-opera- 
tion by  religious,  educational,  patri- 
otic and  social  organizations. 

Committee  on  Legislation 

Alton   B.    Parker,    Chatrma'i 

Oscar  S.  Straus 
Richard  Bartholdt 
William  Jennings  Bryan 
Samuel  Gompers 
Ansley  Wilcox 
Nahum  J.  Bachelder 
A.  T.  Clearwater 
Ormsby  McHarg 
Job  E.  Hedges 
Edward  W.  Hatch 
Josiah  Howard 
Robert  C.  Morris 
William  L.  Carpenter 
Peter  H.  Mayo 
Adolph  S.  Ochs 
George  W.  Knox 
Peter  A.  Porter 
Henry  P.  Emerson 
Samuel  S.  McClure 
James  S.  Clarkson 
William  S.  Bennet 
Richard  W.  Watrous 
Frank  L.  Frugone 
J.  E.  Ingraham 


Committee  on  Historical  Review 
of  the  Century  of  Peace 

Nicholas  Murray  Butler,  Chairman 

Hamilton  Wright  Mabie 
Stratton  D.  Brooks 
Francis  G.  Blair 
Ben  Blewett 
Frank  Chapin  Bray 
Andrew  S.   Draper 
Philander  P.  Claxton 
Nathan  C.  Schaeffer 
James  M.  Green 
E.  T.  Fairchild 
Lawton  B.  Evans 
E.  O.  Holland 

D.  B.  Johnson 
C.  E.  Chadsey 
John  Dietrich 
C.  M.  Jordan 

E.  U.  Graff 
George  B.  Cook 
H.  C.  Morrison 
Payson  Smith 
T.  A.  Mott 

W.  S.  Sutton 
J.  H.  Francis 
E.  E.  Bass 

Committee  on  International  Con- 
ference and  Organization 

William  B.  Howland,  Chairman 

Bernard  N.  Baker 
John  Hays  Hammond 
Theodore  Marburg 
Charles  M.  Dow 
Charles  J.  Bonaparte 
Edwin  Ginn 
Thomas  W.   Symons 
Job  E.  Hedges 
Louis  Livingston  Seaman 
Edward  R.  O'Malley 
Hamilton  Holt 
John  Barrett 
Henry  Clews 
Elbert  F.  Baldwin 
James  S.  Clarkson 
S.  Parkes  Cadman 
Peter  H.  Mayo 
Cyrus  Northrop 
Marcus  M.  Marks 
William  S.  Harvey 
Mrs.  J.  Elliott  Langstaff 
Mrs.  Elmer  E.  Black 
Mrs.  Donald  McLean 
Mrs.  John  Miller  Horton 
Hugh  L.  Scott 


T.  Kennard  Thomson 

Samuel  T.  Button 

Frederick  Lynch 

Fenton  M.  Parke 
Benehan  Cameron 
Note. — The  first  conference  on  the  subject 
of  international  organization  was  held  in 
London  in  the  summer  of  1911,  and  was  at- 
tended by  Mr.  John  Hays  Hammond,  Ameri- 
can Ambassador  to  the  Coronation  of  King 
George;  Mr.  William  B.  Howland,  Chairman 
of  the  American  Committee  on  International 
Conference;  Mr.  Bernard  N.  Baker,  and  Mr. 
Theodore  Marburg  of  Baltimore;  Dr.  Louis 
Livingston  Seaman,  and  Madame  Langstaff 
and  Madame  Black.  Mr.  Howland  returned 
to  London  later  in  the  year  and  remained 
for  some  months  in  England  devoting  much 
of  his  time  to  conferences  with  relation  to 
the  international  aspects  of  the  movement. 

Committee  on  Publicity 

Albert  Shaw,  Chairman 

Henry  Watterson 
Herman  H.  Kohlsaat 
Frank  B.  Noyes 
Josephus  Daniels 
Adolph  S.  Ochs 
George  Shipley 
James  Keeley 
Chester  S.  Lord 
Delavan  Smith 
Howard  D.  Hadley 
John  Temple  Graves 
Frank  Presbrey 
James  M.  Thompson 
Frederick  Roy  Martin 
Charles  W.  Price 
Alexander  P.  Moore 
Frank  L.  Frugone 
Karl  V.  S.  Howland 
James   S.  Clarkson 
Stephen  S.  Wise 
Thomas  M.  Osborne 
Antonio  Stella 
A.  B.  Weiss 
Homer  B.  Sprague 
John  J.  D.  Trenor 
James  L.  Tryon 
William  H.  Short 
William  D.  Forbes 


Committee  on  Memorials 

Andrew  B.  Humphrey,  Chairman 

W.  D.  Forbes  William  S.  Harvey 

T.   Kennard   Thomson,   C.E. 
John  A.  Stewart,  ex-officio 
Jacob  H.  Schiff 

John  H.  Finley 
J.  L.  Hudson 
George  K.   Birge 
Logan   Waller    Page 
Alexander  J.   Porter 
W.  O.   Hart 
Benehan  Cameron 
George  D.  Emerson 
La  Verne  W.   Noyes 
Herbert  E.   Bolton 
James  D.  Phelan 
Edwin  T.  Coman 
Cyrus   Northrop 
George  S.  Bixby 
John  Dietrich 
James  F.  Ailshie 
Guy   Potter   Benton 
Winston   Churchill 
George  C.  Chase 

Advisory  Members 
Thomas  W.  Symons 
John  W.  Alexander 
Edwin  H.   Blashfield 
Gutzon  Borglum 
Herbert  Adams 
George  B.  Post 
Hermon  A.  MacNeil 
Charles  Moore 
Frederick  Ballard  Williams 
Walter  Cook 
Victor  David  Brenner 
George  E.  Bissell 
Frederick  W.  Ruckstuhl 
Charles  Rollinson  Lamb 
Harold  A.   Caparn 
Percy  Griffin 

Committee  on  Celebration  in  the 
City  of  New  York 

George   F.   Kunz,    Chairman 

T.  Commerford  Martin  Alfred  J.  Boulton 

Calvin    W.    Rice 


Abbott,  Lawrence  F New  York 

Abbott,   Dr.   Lyman New  York 

Acker,  Charles  Ernest Ossining,  N.  Y. 

Adams,  Arthur  L San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Adams,  Charles  Francis Boston,  Mass. 

Adams,  Edward  L.,  American  Consul, 

Dublin,  Ireland 

Adams,  Judge  Elmer  B St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Adams,  Herbert    New  York 

Adams,  Samuel  Hopkins Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Adamson,   Robert New   York 

Ade,   George Brook,   Ind. 

Adler,  Dr.   Felix New  York 

Agar,  John  G New  York 

Ager,  Waldemar  Eau  Claire,  Wis. 

Aiken,  Rev.  William  A Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Aked,  Rev.  Charles  F San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Alden,  Henry  Mills New  York 

Alderman,  Dr.  Edwin  Anderson, 

Charlottesville,   Va. 

Aldrich,  Orlando  W Columbus,  O. 

Aldridge,  George  W Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Alexander,  Magnus West  Lynn,  Mass. 

Allen,  Charles  H New  York 

Allen,  James   Lane New   York 

Almy,   Francis Buffalo,  N.   Y. 

Ames,  Charles  W St.  Paul,  Minn. 

Anderson,  Abraham  A New  York 

Anderson,  Charles  E.,  American 

Consul-General Hongkong,    China 

Anderson,  Rt.  Rev.  Charles  P Chicago,  111. 

Anderson,  George  E Hongkong,  China 

Anderson,  Rasmus  B Madison,  Wis. 

Andrews,  Colonel  Alexander  B., 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Andrews,  Colonel  Avery  D., 

Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Andrews,  Justice   Charles Syracuse,   N.   Y. 

Andrews,  Mrs.  Fannie  Fern Boston,  Mass. 

Andrews,  Frank  M New  York 

Appleton,   General  Francis  Henry, 

Boston,   Mass. 

Armbrecht,  William  H Mobile,  Ala. 

Arnold,  Bion  J Chicago,  111. 

Atherton,  Gertrude San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Bacheller,  Irving, 

Nehasane  Post  Office,  N.  Y. 

Baker,  Alfred  L Chicago,  111. 

Baker,  Bernard  N Baltimore,  Md. 


Baker,  Charles  Whiting New  York 

Baker,  Kay  Stannard New  York 

Baldwin,   Elbert   F New   York 

Baldwin,  Joseph  R Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Barber,  Ohio  C Akron,  O. 

Barnard,  Professor  Edward  Emerson, 

William's   Bay,   Wise. 
Barr,  Mrs.  Amelia  E., 

Cornwall-on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Barrett,  John Washington,  D.  C. 

Barstow,  George  E Barstow,  Tex. 

Bartlett,  Paul  Wayland Washington,  D.  C. 

Barton,  George  De  Forest New  York 

Bass.  E.  E Greenville.  Miss 

Beach,  Mrs.  Mary  C Washington,  D.  C. 

Beals,  Rev.  Charles  E Chicago,  111. 

Beck,  James  M New  York 

Bell,   Dr.  Alexander  Graham, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Benedict,  General  James   S.,  American 

Consul St.  John's,  Newfoundland 

Benjamin,   Marcus New   York 

Bennet,  William  S New  York 

Bestor,  Arthur  Eugene Chautauqua,  N.  Y. 

Beveridge,   Albert  J Indianapolis,   Ind. 

Beyer,  Dr.  H.  G Washington,  D.  C. 

Birge,  George  K Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Bispham,   David New  York 

Bissell,  George  Edwin Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Bissell,  Herbert  P Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Black,  Mrs.  Elmer New  York 

Black,  Rev.  Hugh New  York 

Blair,  Francis  G Springfield,   111. 

Blanchard,  Justice  James  A New  York 

Blewett,   Ben St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Bloom,  J.  George Mill  Creek,  Okla. 

Bloomingdale,  Emanuel  Watson New  York 

Boas,  Emil  L New  York 

Bolton,   Charles   Knowles Boston,  Mass. 

Bolton,  Professor  Herbert  E. .  .Berkeley,  Cal. 

Booth,  Commander  Ballington New  York 

Borie,  Adolph  E High  Bridge,  N.  J. 

Borzilleri,  Dr.  Charles  R.. ...  .Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Bothne,   Prof.   Gisle Minneapolis,   Minn. 

Boulton,  Alfred  J Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Bowen,  Herbert  W Woodstock,  Conn. 

Bowron,  Mrs.  Henry  L New  York 

Boynton,  Rev.  Charles  H Englewood,  N.  J. 

Brady,  Rev.  Cyrus  Townsend, 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Bray,  Frank  Chapin New  York 

Bray,  John  P.,  American  Consul-General, 

Sydney,  Australia 

Brenner,  Victor  David New  York 

Brett,  George  P New  York 

Bridgman,  Herbert  Lawrence, 

Brooklyn,   N.   Y. 
Bright,  Frederick  I.,  American  Consul, 

Huddersfield,  England 

Broad,  John  H Morrisville,  N.  Y. 

Brooks,   Stratton  D Boston,   Mass. 

Brown,    Dr.    Elmer   Ellsworth New  York 


Brown,  Frank  L Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Brown,  Dr.  George Atlanta,  Ga. 

Brown,   Gerald  R New  York 

Brown,  Harry  L St.  Augustine,  Fla. 

Bryan,  Dr.  Elmer  Burritt Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Bryan,  M.  T Nashville,  Tenn. 

Bryant,   Henry  G Philadelphia,    Pa. 

Brydges,  Rev.  Ralph  L New  York 

Buchtel,  Dr.  Henry  A Denver,  Col. 

Buck,  Benjamin  F New  York 

Bunn,  Charles  W St.  Paul,  Minn. 

Burbank,  Luther Santa  Rosa,  Cal. 

Burch,  Robert  L Nashville,  Tenn. 

Burke,  John  P Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Burkhart,  Dr.  Harvey  J Batavia,  N.  Y. 

Burleigh,  George  W New  York 

Burnham,  George,  Jr Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Burr,  Professor  George  Lincoln, 

Ithaca,  N.  Y. 
Burr,  Professor  William  Hubert. ..New  York 

Burrell,  Rev.  David  J New  York 

Burroughs,  John Roxbury,  N.  Y. 

Bush-Brown,  Henry  K Washington,  D.  C. 

Butler,  William  Allen New  York 

Byington,  Homer  M.,  American  Consul, 

Bristol,  England 

Cable,  George  W Northampton,  Mass. 

Cadman,  Rev.  S.  Parkes Brooklyn,  N,  Y. 

Call,  Arthur  W Hartford,  Conn. 

Callaway,  Llewellyn  L... Virginia  City,  Mont. 

Cameron,   Colonel  Benehan Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Cannon,  Henry  W New  York 

Cannon,  James   G New   York 

Carnegie,    Andrew New   York 

Carpenter,    William   L Detroit,    Mich. 

Carson,  Rev.  J.  F Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Cauldwell,  Frederic  W.,  American 

Vice-Consul-General . . .  Berlin,  Germany 

Ceballos,  J.  M New  York 

Cecil,  Rev.  Russell Richmond,  Va. 

Chadsey,   C.   E Denver,    Colo. 

Chamberlin,  George  E.,  American  Consul, 

Cork,  Ireland 

Chapin,  Roy  D Detroit,  Mich. 

Chapman,  Frank  M New  York 

Chase,  Benjamin  F.,  American  Consul, 

Leeds,  England 

Chase,  Harvey    S Boston,   Mass. 

Chase,  William   M New   York 

Chenoweth,  Mrs.  Catherine  R New  York 

Chilton,  Robert  S.,  Jr.,  American  Consul, 

Toronto,   Canada 

Church,  Colonel  William  C New  York 

Church,   William   L Boston,   Mass. 

Churchill,    Winston Windsor,    Vt. 

Clark,  Rear  Admiral  Charles  E., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Clark,  Rev.  Francis  E Boston,  Mass. 

Clark,  Mrs.  Kate  Upson Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Clarke,   John  H Cleveland,   O. 

Clarkson,   General  James   S., 

Tarrytown,  N.  Y. 


Claxton,  Philander  P Washington,  D.  C. 

Clearwater,  Justice  Alphonso  T., 

Kingston,   N.   Y. 

Clews,  Henry New  York 

Cocks,  William  W Old  Westbury,  N.  Y. 

Coffin,  Charles  A New  York 

Coman,  Edwin  T Spokane,  Wash. 

Comstock,  Theodore   Bryant, 

Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Conant,  Harry  A.,  American  Consul, 

Windsor,    Canada 
Conner,  Jacob  E.,  American  Consul-General, 

St.   Petersburg,  Russia 

Cook,  George  B Little  Rock,  Ark. 

Corwine,   William   R New  York 

Coudert,  Frederic  R New  York 

Cowperthwait,  J.  Howard New  York 

Cox,  William   V Washington,  D,  C. 

Crandall,   Rev.   Lathan   A., 

Minneapolis,    Minn. 
Cruickshank,   Dwight   Phelps, 

Ottawa,   Canada 
Cunningham,  Edwin  S.,  American  Consul, 

Bombay,  India 

Cutler,    Harry    Providence,    R.    L 

Cutting,  R.  Fulton New  York 

Damrosch,    Frank New    York 

Damrosch,  Walter New  York 

Daniels,  Charles  N.,  American  Consul, 

Sheffield,  England 

Daniels,  Josephus Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Darrell,  Edward  F New  York 

Davenport,  William  B Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Davis,  Dr.  Nathan  Smith Chicago,  111. 

Day,   Arthur New   York 

Deedmeyer,  Frank,  American   Consul, 

Charlottetown,  Prince  Edward  Island 

Delavan,  Dr.  David  B New  York 

Demorest,  William  Curtis New  York 

Denby,  Charles,  American  Consul-General, 

Vienna,  Austria 

Denegre,  Walter  D Manchester,  Mass. 

Dennis,  William  C Washington,  D.  C. 

Dennison,  E.  Haldeman,  American  Consul, 

Dundee,  Scotland 

Dewey,  Melvil Lake  Placid  Club,  N.  Y. 

Dey,    Donald Syracuse,    N.    Y. 

Dietrich,  John Helena,  Mont. 

Dodge,  Cleveland  H New  York 

Dodge,  General  Grenville  M., 

Council  Bluffs,  la. 

D'Oench,  Albert  F. New  York 

Dohme,  Alfred  R.  L Baltimore,  Md. 

Douglas,  James  H Chicago,  111. 

Douglass,  Rev.  T.  O Grinnell,  Iowa 

Dow,   Charles   M Jamestown,   N.   Y. 

Dow,  William  H Portland,  Me. 

Downing,  Robert  F Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Draper,  Andrew  S Albany,  N.  Y. 

Dreher,  Julius  D.,  American  Consul, 

Port  Antonio,  Jamaica 

Dunham,  George  E Utica,  N.  Y. 


Dutton,  Professor  Samuel  T New  York 

Earle,  John  Walter New  York 

Eaton,  Edward  D Beloit,  Wise. 

Eaton,  Frederick  Heber New  York 

Eaton,  Marquis Chicago,  111. 

Edge,  Walter Atlantic  City,   N.  J. 

Edison,   Thomas   A Orange,   N.   J. 

Edmonds,  Professor  Franklin  Spencer, 

Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Edwards,  C.  Robert Rome,  N.  Y. 

Eliot,   Dr.   Charles   W Cambridge,   Mass. 

Ellyson,   J.   Taylor Richmond,   Va. 

Elwell,  Frank  Edwin Weehawken,  N.  J. 

Ely,   Robert   Erskine New    York 

Emerson,  George  D Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Emerson,  Henry  P Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

English,  H.   D.  W Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

English,  William  E Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Ettenger,   Robert  Lee Washington,   D.   C. 

Evans,  David  G New  York 

Evans.  Lawton  B Augusta,  Ga. 

Fabbri,  Ernesto  G New  York 

Fairchild,  E.  T Topeka,  Kan. 

Farley,  Philip  H Boston,  Mass. 

Farnsworth,  Colonel  Frederick  E...New  York 

Felton,    Samuel    M Chicago,    111. 

Fenton,  Rev.  Thomas  Albert.  .Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Fessenden,  Mrs.  James  G Paris,  France 

Finley,  Dr.  John  H New  York 

Fisher,  Professor  Irving.. New  Haven,  Conn. 

Fisher,  Leon  O New  York 

FitzHugh,  Carter  H Lake  Forest,  111. 

Flagg,   Ernest New  York 

Fleming,  Rufus,  American  Consul, 

Edinburgh,  Scotland 

Flint,  Dr.  Austin New  York 

Flom,   Prof.  George  T Urbana,   111. 

Forbes,  William  D New  London,  Conn. 

Ford,    Arthur   Y Louisville,    Ky. 

Fosdick,   Frederick Fitchburg,   Mass. 

Foster,  A.  W San  I*  rancisco,  Cal. 

Foster,  Ben New  York 

Foster,  John  G.,  American  Consul-General, 

Ottawa,   Canada 

Foulke,  William  Dudley Richmond,  Ind. 

Francis,  J.  H Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Francolini,  Joseph  N New  York 

Franklin,  N.  E Deadwood,   S.  D. 

Franks,  Robert  A Hoboken,  N.  J. 

French,  Daniel  Chester New  York 

Frugone,  Frank  L New   York 

Gaige,  Crosby New  York 

Gannon,  John  J New   Orleans,   La. 

Gardner,  Frank  S New  York 

Garfield,  Dr.  Harry  A..  .Williamstown,  Mass. 

Gates,  Rev.   Frederick  T New  York 

Gay,  Edward Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Geer,    Walter New    York 

Gibson,  Charles  Dana New  York 

Gilman,   General  John   E Boston,    Mass. 

Gilman,  Theodore Yonkers,  N.  Y. 

Gladden,   Rev.   Washington Columbus,   O. 


Glover,  Charles  C Washington,  D.  C. 

Gompers,  Samuel  L Washington,  D.  C. 

Gould,   Edwin New   York 

Gould,  Elgin  R.  L New  York 

Graff,   E.  U Omaha,   Neb. 

Graham,   James   G New   York 

Grant,  Rev.  Percy  Stickney New  York 

Graves,  John  Temple New  York 

Green,   J.    M Trenton,    N.    J. 

Green,  W.  Maxwell,  American  Consul, 

Hamilton,   Bermuda 

Greer,  Rt.  Rev.  David  H New  York 

Gregory,   Henry  E New  York 

Griffiths,  John  L.,  American  Consul-General, 

London,  Eneland 

Griggs,  George  B Houston,  Tex. 

Grinnell,    George   B New   York 

Gross,  Robert  J Dunkirk,  N.  Y. 

Guenther,  Richard,  American  Consul- 
General, Cape  Town,  South  Africa 

Gulick,   Ernestus New   York 

Gunn,  James  N New  York 

Gunsaulus,  Edwin  N.,  American  Consul, 

Johannesburg,  South  Africa 
Guthrie,  George  W Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Habgood,   Robert   P Bradford,    Pa. 

Hackett,    Frank  Warren Washington,  D.  C. 

Hadley,  Howard  D Plattsburg,  N.  Y. 

Hale,  Professor  Edward  Everett,  Jr., 

Schenectady,   N.   Y. 

Hale,  Reuben  B San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Hall,  Edward  Hagaman New  York 

Halstead,  Albert,  American   Consul, 

Birmingham,    England 

Hamill,   Ernest  A Chicago,   111. 

Hamm,  Walter  C,  American  Consul, 

Hull,   England 

Hammond,  John  Hays Gloucester,  Mass. 

Hammond,  Mrs.  John  Hays,  Gloucester,  Mass. 

Hanson,  Justice  George  M Calais,  Me. 

Hapgood,   Norman New   York 

Harris,  Daniel   New  York 

Hart,   Professor  Albert   Bushnell, 

Cambridge,  Mass. 

Hart,  Merwin  K Utica,  N.  Y. 

Harvey,  Colonel  George New  York 

Harvey,  Horace  J.,  American  Consul. 

Fort  Erie,   Canada 

Harvey,  William   S New   York 

Haskell,  William  E Washington,  D.  C. 

Hastings,  Thomas   New  York 

Hatch,  Edward  W New  York 

Hay,  Louis  C New  York 

Hayes,   Stanley  Wolcott Richmond,   Ind. 

Hedges,  Job  E New  York 

Henry,  Philip  W New  York 

Hexamer,  Dr.  C.  I Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Hill,   David  Jayne Rochester,   N.  Y. 

Hill,  George  M Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

Hill,  Fred  M New  York 

Hillis,  Rev.  Newell  Dwight. .  .Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Hillquit,   Morris New  York 

Hodges,  Colonel  Alfred New  York 

Holland,   E.   O Louisville,   Ky. 

Holmes,  Dr.  Alexander  M.  .Morrisville,  N.  Y. 

Holt,   Hamilton New   York 

Hooper,  Professor  Franklin  W., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Hornblower,  William  B New  York 

Horton,  Mrs.  John  Miller Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Hough,    Emerson Chicago,    111. 

Hough,  Judge  Warwick St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Howe,  Albert  H Reno,  Nev. 

Howe,  Major  Church,  American  Consul, 

Manchester,  England 

Howland,  Henry  R Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Howland.  Karl  V.  S New  York 

Howland,  William  B New  York 

Hoyt,   Frank   C New  York 

Huckel,  Rev.  Oliver Baltimore,   Md. 

Hudson,  J.  L Detroit,  Mich. 

Hull,  William  I Swarthmore,  Pa. 

Humphrey,   Andrew   B New   York 

Hunt,  Harry  E Detroit,  Mich. 

Huntington,  Webster  P Cleveland,  O. 

Hutchinson,  A.  M Council  Bluffs,  Iowa 

Hutchinson,   Charles   L Chicago,   111. 

Ide,  Rev.  Herbert  Chandler, 

Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y, 

Ingraham,   J.   E St.   Augustine,   Fla. 

Ingram,  Augustus  E.,  American  Consul, 

Bradford,   England 

Iselin,   C.  Oliver New  York 

James,  Francis   B Cincinnati,   O. 

Jefferson,  Rev.  Charles  E New  York 

Jenks,  Professor  Jeremiah  W... Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

Jennings,  Frederick   Beach New  York 

Jewell,  John  F Melbourne,  Australia 

Johannsen,    S.    M Put-in-Bay,   Ohio 

Johansen,  Charles  K New  York 

Johnson,  D.  B Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

Johnson,  George  K Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Johnson,  Willis  Fletcher, 

New  Providence,  N.  J. 

Jones,  Breckinridge St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Jones,  T.  C Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Jordan,  C.  M Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Jordan,  Dr,  David  Starr, 

Stanford  University,  Cal. 

Josika-Herczeg,  Imre  New  York 

Jowett,  Rev.  John  H New  York 

Kahn,  Otto  H New  York 

Katz,  Jacob   New  York 

Keene,   Foxhall  P New  York 

Kehl,  John  E.,  American  Consul, 

Sydney,   Nova  Scotia 

Kellogg,  Frederick  S Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

Keppel,  Frederick  P New  York 

King,  David  Bennett New  York 

King,  General  Horatio  C Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

King,  Dr.  Joseph  E Fort  Edward,  N.  Y. 

King,  Willard  V New  York 


Kirkland,  Dr.  James  H Nashville,  Tenn. 

Knapp,   Charles  Welbourne St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Knopf,  Dr.  S.  Adolphus New  York 

Knox,  George  W Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Knox,  Seymour  H Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Koenig,    Samuel    S New    York 

Kohlsaat,  Herman  H Chicago,   111. 

Konti,  Isidore New  York 

Kontz,  Ernest  C Atlanta,  Ga. 

Kunz,  George  F New   York 

Lafrentz,  Ferdinand  W New  York 

LaGarde,  Colonel  Louis  A.. Washington,  D.  C. 
Laing,  James  Oliver,  American  Consul, 

Malta,   Maltese  Islands 

Lamb,  Charles  Rollinson New  York 

Lamont,   Thomas   W New  York 

Langdon,   Andrew    Buffalo,   N.  Y. 

Lange,   Ove New   York 

Langstaff,  Mrs.  J.  Elliott Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Larkin,  John  D Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Larmon,    Charles   W Salem,  N.  Y. 

Lathrop,  William  L New  Hope,  Pa. 

Lawrence,  Frank  R New  York 

Lawrence,   William   W New   York 

Lindsay,   Samuel  McCune New  York 

Little,  John  Mason Boston,  Mass. 

Littlefield,  Nathan  W Providence,  R.  I. 

Loeb,  William,  Jr New  York 

Loomis,  Francis  B Washington,  D.  C. 

Lord,  Chester  S Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Lorentzen,   Carl New  York 

Lowell,  Dr.  A.  Lawrence Cambridge,  Mass. 

Lynch,   Rev.   Frederick New  York 

Mabie,  Dr.  Hamilton  Wright New  York 

MacArthur,  Rev.  Robert  Stuart.  ..Atlanta,  Ga. 

MacCracken,  Dr.  Henry  M New  York 

MacNeil,  Hermon  A College  Point,  N.  Y. 

Macphatter,  Dr.  Neil New  York 

Magee,  Charles  L Washington,  D.  C. 

Manning,  Rev.  William  T New  York 

Marble,  William  A New  York 

Marburg,  Theodore Baltimore,  Md. 

Markham,  Edwin... West  New  Brighton,  N.  Y. 

Marks,  Marcus  M New  York 

Marlowe,  Julia    New  York 

Marsh,    Edward   C New   York 

Martin,  Chester  W.,  American  Consul, 

Bridgetown,  Barbadoes,  B.  W.  I. 

Martin,  Frederick  Roy Providence,  R.  I. 

Martin,  T.   Commer f ord New  York 

Mason,  Frank  H.,  American  Consul-General, 

Paris,    France 

Mason,  Dr.  John  J New  York 

Masters,    Eugene St.    Augustine,    Fla. 

Matthews,  Thomas  A New  York 

Maxim,   Hudson Landing,   N.  J. 

Maxwell,  Dr.  William  H Flushing,  N.  Y. 

Mayo,    Peter    H Richmond,    Va. 

McAdoo,  William  G New  York 

McAneny,  George  New  York 

McBee,  Silas  New  York 


McCarroll,  William    New  York 

McClellan,  George  B New  York 

McClure,  Samuel  S New  York 

McConnell,  Rev.  Samuel  D Easton,  Md. 

McConnico,  Andrew  J.,  American  Consul, 

St.  John's,  Canada 

McDonald,   Dr.   Ellice New  York 

McFaden,  Dr.  F.  T Richmond,  Va. 

McFarland,   J.    Horace Harrisburg,    Pa. 

McUee,  W.  J Washington,  D.  C. 

McGowan,  Dr.  John  Patrick New  York 

McGregor,    Duncan Madison,    Wise. 

McHarg,   Ormsby New   York 

McKenna,   Thomas   P New  York 

McKim,  Alexander  Rice New   York 

McLean,   Donald   New  York 

McLean,  John   Emery New   York 

McLean,  Mrs.  Donald New  York 

McWalters,  Mrs.  Frank New  York 

Mead,   Edwin  D Boston,   Mass. 

Mead,  William  Rutherford New  York 

Melish,   William    B Cincinnati,   O. 

Mendes,  Dr.  H.  Pereira New  York 

Merriam,    Professor   Charles   E.,  Chicago,    111. 

Messenger,    Hiram   J Hartford,    Conn. 

Meyers,  J.  Edward Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Michener,   Harry  G Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Milburn,  John  G New  York 

Miles,  General  Nelson  A. .  .Washington,  D.  C. 

Miller,  Dr.   Charles  Henry Queens,  N.   Y. 

Miller,  Dr.  George  N New  York 

Millet,    Francis    David Washington,  D.  C. 

Mitchell,   Dr.  Silas  Weir. ..  .Philadelphia,   Pa. 
Moore,  Colonel  Alexander  P.  .Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Moore,   Charles Detroit,   Mich. 

Moore,   Edward  B Washington,  D.  C. 

Moore,  John  Bassett New  York 

Moorhead,  Maxwell  K.,  American  Consul, 

Rangoon,    India 

Morgan,  Daniel  N Bridgeport,   Conn. 

Morgan,  Rollin  M New  York 

Morgan,   William  Fellowes New   York 

Morris,  Henry  C Chicago,  111. 

Morris,  Robert  C New  York 

Morrison,   H.  C Concord,  N.  H. 

Morse,   Perley New  York 

Moskowitz,    Henry New   York 

Mott,   T.  A Richmond,  Ind. 

Munn,  Dr.  John  P New  York 

Munsterberg,    Professor   Hugo, 

Cambridge,  Mass. 

Murray,  Rt.  Rev.  John  G Baltimore,  Md. 

Muschenheim,   William   C New   York 

Nelson,  Colonel  William  R.  .Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Nettleton,   Walter Cambridge,   Mass. 

Nichols,  George  L New  York 

North,  S.  N.  D Washington,  D.  C. 

Nottingham,   William Syracuse,   N.  Y. 

Noyes,  Frank  B Washington,  D.  C. 

Noyes,  LaVerne  W Chicago,  III. 

Nye,  George  F Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 


Nye,   Ray Fremont,   Neb. 

Uchs,  Adolph  S New  York 

Ochs,   George  W Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Ochtman,   Leonard Cos   Cob,   Conn. 

O'Donovan,  William   Rudolf New  York 

Ogden,   Robert   C New   York 

Ogden,   Rollo New   York 

Olcott,  Dudley Albany,  N.  Y. 

Olin,  Stephen  H New  York 

Olmsted,  John   Charles Brookline,  Mass. 

O'Malley,  Edward  R Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Ordway,  Samuel  H New  York 

Osborne,  Thomas  M Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Osborne,   Louis  A Scranton,   Pa. 

Ostrup,  John  C New  York 

Outerbridge,  Eugene  H New  York 

Page,  Dr.  Logan  W Washington,  D.  C. 

Page,  Thomas  Nelson York,  Me. 

Paine,  Nathaniel   Worcester,  Mass. 

Palmer,  Walter  L Albany,  N.  Y. 

Parke,   Fenton   M Buffalo,  N.   Y. 

Parker,  Amasa  J Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Parkhurst,  Rev.  Charles  H New  York 

Partington,  F.  E Forest  Glen,  Md. 

Patchen,   Robert  H Ottawa,   Canada 

Patton,  Major  Charles  H New  York 

Pearce,  G.  Wilfred New  York 

Peary,  Rear  Admiral  Robert  E., 

Washington,  D,  C. 

Peaslee,  Edward  Henry New  York 

Peer,  Sherman Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

Pelton,  Rev.  DeWitt  Lincoln New  York 

Penfield,  Frederic  C New  York 

Perkins,  Frank  E New  York 

Perry,  Charles  B.,  American  Vice-Consul- 

General Calcutta,    India 

Peters,  Rev.  Madison  C Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Peters,  William   R New   York 

Phelan,  James  D San  Francisco,  Cal 

Phelps,  John  J Hackensack,  N.  J 

Phillips,  H.  C Mohonk  Lake,  N.  J 

Pihlblad,  Dr.  Ernst  F Lindsborg,  Kan 

Pinchot,  Gifford Washington,  D.  C 

Piatt,  Edmund  P Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y 

Porter,  General  Horace New  York 

Porter,  Peter  A Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Porter,  Robert  P London,  England 

Potter,  Frederick New  York 

Potter,  Julian,  American  Consul, 

Nassau,  New  Providence 

Potter,   William    P Philadelphia,    Pa. 

Powderly,  Terrence  V Washington,  D.  C. 

Pratt,  Joseph  Hyde Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Presbrey,    Frank New    York 

Price,  Charles  W New  York 

Price,  Milo  B Owatonna,  Minn. 

Prickitt,  William  A.,  American  Consul- 

General Auckland,  New  Zealand 

Pritchett,  Dr.  Henry  S New  York 

Proctor,  A.  Phimister New  York 

Proctor,  Thomas Utica,  N.  Y, 


Putnam,   George  Haven New  York 

Quinby,   Henry  C New  York 

Rabbino,    Bernhard New  York 

Ragsdale,  James  W.,  American 

Consul-General. .  .Halifax,   Nova  Scotia 

Randall,    Blanchard Baltimore,    Md. 

Ravn.  Chr New  York 

Redding,  Sid  B Little  Rock,  Ark. 

Reeves,  Francis  B Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Reick,   William   C New  York 

Reid,    Rev.   Gilbert New   York 

Reinhart,   William   H Sandusky,   O. 

Remington,  Harvey  F Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Remsen,  Dr.  Ira Baltimore,  Md. 

Reque,   Dr.   P.  A Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Reynolds,  James  Bronson New   York 

Rhees,  Dr.  Rush Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Rice,  Calvin  W New  York 

Richards,  W.  W Ticonderoga,  N.  Y. 

Richardson,  Frank  W Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Ridder,    Herman New    York 

Ridgway,  Erman  J New  York 

Riggs,  Mrs.  George  C New  York 

Riis,  Jacob  A Richmond  Hill,  N.  Y. 

Riley,  James  Whitcomb Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Rindlaut,  M.  P Plattville,  Wise. 

Ristad,  Rev.  D.  G Fergus  Falls,  Minn. 

Robinson,  Douglas New  York 

Robinson,  Edward New  York 

Roden,  Ernest  K Scranton,  Pa. 

Rodgers,  James  Linn,  American 

Consul-General Havana,    Cuba 

Rogers,  John   S New  York 

Rogers,   Walter   Alexander Chicago,    111. 

Rogers,  William  E New  York 

Rollins,  James  W Boston,  Mass. 

Roosevelt,  Theodore New  York 

Root,  Charles  T New  York 

Rosewater,    Victor Omaha,    Neb. 

Roth,  Frederick  G.  R Englewood,  N.  J. 

Rouse,  Frederick  T Omaha,  Neb. 

Rowe,  L.  S Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Ruppert,   Jacob,  Jr New  York 

Russell,   Lindsay New   York 

Russell,  William  W.,  American  Consul- 

Santo  Domingo,  Dominican  Republic 
Ryder,  Frederick  M.,  American  Consul, 

Rimouski,  Quebec,  Canada 

Sackett,  Henry  Woodward New  York 

Sammons,  Thomas,  American  Consul- 
General  Yokohama,    Japan 

Sanborn,  Charles  P Newport,  R.  I. 

Sanger,  Colonel  William  Gary, 

Sangerfield,  N.  Y. 

Sartz,  R.  N.  S Washington,  D.  C. 

Saxe,  John  Godfrey New  York 

Schaeffer,  Nathan  C Harrisburg,  Pa. 

Schelling,  Professor  Felix  Emanuel, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Schiflf,  Jacob  H New  York 


Schiff,  Mortimer  L New  York 

Schmidlapp,  J.  G Cincinnati,  O. 

Schneider,  R.  B Fremont,  Neb. 

Schurman,  Dr.  Jacob  Gould Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

Schwab,  Gustav  H.,  Jr New  York 

Scott,  Frank  H New  York 

Scott,  Colonel  Hugh  L Washington,  D.  C. 

Scott,  James  Brown Washington,  D.  C. 

Scott,   Walter New  York 

Scovil,  E.  Medley New  York 

Seaman,  Dr.  Louis  Livingston New  York 

Seligman,  Isaac  N New  York 

Seton,  Ernest  Thompson. .  .  .Cos  Cob,  Conn. 

Sexton,  Lawrence  E New  York 

Seyfert,  Augustus  G.,  American  Consul, 

Owen  Sound,  Canada 

Shaw,  Dr.  Albert New  York 

Shaw,  Dr.  Henry  L.  K Albany,  N.  Y. 

Sheldon.  Dr.  Charles  S Madison,  Wise. 

Shepard,  James  M.,  American  Consul, 

Hamilton,  Canada 

Sherrill,  Charles  H New  York 

Shipley,   George Baltimore,   Md. 

Short,  Rev.  Wallace  M Sioux  City,  Iowa 

Short,  William  H New  York 

Shumaker,  Frederick  W New  York 

Silliman,  Reuben  D New  York 

Simard,  George  A Montreal,  Canada 

Slater,  Fred  C.,  American  Consul, 

Sarnia,  Canada 

Smiley,  Albert  K Lake  Mohonk,  N.  Y. 

Smith,  Delavan Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Smith,  Payson Augusta,  Me. 

Smith,  Robert  A.  C New  York 

Smith,  Mrs.  Tunstall Baltimore,  Md. 

Smith,  Dr.  William  H New  York 

Snow,  Dr.  William  Benham New  York 

Sothern,  Edward  H New  York 

Spalding,  Burleigh  F Bismarck,  N.  D. 

Speyer,  James    New   York 

Sprague,  Homer  B Newton,  Mass. 

Staff,  Fred Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

Standish,   Miles New   York 

Starace,  Achille New  York 

Stella,  Dr.  Antonio New  York 

Stelzle,  Dr.  Charles New  York 

Stern,  Louis New  York 

Stetson,  Francis  Lynde. New  York 

Stewart,  John  A New  York 

Stewart,  Nathaniel  B.,  American  Consul, 

Durban,  South  Africa 

Stewart,  William  Rhinelander New   York 

Stillman,  Dr.  William  Olin Albany,  N.  Y. 

Stires,  Rev.  Ernest  M New  York 

Stokes,  Surgeon-General  Charles  F., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Straus,   Nathan New  York 

Strong,  Rev.  Josiah New  York 

Stryker,  Dr.  M.  Woolsey Clinton,  N.  Y. 

Stuart,  Henry  C New  York 

Stuart,  Mrs.  Ruth  McEnery New  York 


Sulzberger,  Cyrus  L New  York 

Sutton,  Dr.  W.  S Austin,  Texas 

Symons,  Colonel  Thomas  W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Talcott,  James New    York 

Tappan,  John  B.  Coles New  York 

Taylor,  Charles  L Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Taylor,  Francis  R Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Tackara,   Alexander   M.,   American 

Consul-General Berlin,    Germany 

Thomas,  John  Lloyd New  York 

Thompson,  James  M New  Orleans,  La. 

Thompson,  Colonel  Robert  M New  York 

Thomson,  T.  Kennard New  York 

Thruston,  General  Gates  P Nashville,  Tenn. 

Thwing,  Dr.  Charles  F Cleveland,  O. 

Todd,  Mackenzie  R Frankfort,  Ky. 

Torney,  Surgeon-General  George  H., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Towne,   Henry   R New   York 

Trenor,  John  J.  D New  York 

Trimble,  Commander  Harvey  M., 

JPrinceton,  111. 

Trueblood,   Benjamin  F Boston,  Mass. 

Tryon,  James  L Boston,  Mass. 

Tucker,  William  A New  York 

Tuttle,  Mrs.  George  F Plattsburg,  N.  Y. 

Twitchell,   Seldon Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Utley,  Henry  Munson Detroit,  Mich. 

Van  de  Water,  Rev.  George  R New  York 

Van  Dyke,  Dr.  Henry Princeton,  N.  J. 

Van  Hee,  Julius  A.,  Vice-Consul, 

Ghent,    Belgium 

Van  Hise,  Dr.  Charles  R Madison,  Wise. 

Van  Sant,  Howard  D.,  American  Consul, 

Dunfermline,  Scotland 

Van   Sinderen,   Howard New   York 

Wadsworth,  Eliot Boston,  Mass. 

Wagner,  General  Louis Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Wakefield,  Ernest  A.,  American  Consul, 

Port  Elizabeth,  South  Africa 

Wald,  Miss  Lillian  D New  York 

Walker,  Henry  Oliver Lakewood,  N.  J. 

Wallin,   Prof.  A.   R Kenilworth,   N.  J. 

Walsh,  Julius  S St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Wandling,  James  L New   York 

Ward,  Dr.  George  Morgan Aurora,  N.  Y. 

Warfield,  Dr.  Ethelbert  D Easton,  Pa. 

Warren,  William  J Detroit,   Mich. 

Warren,  General  Winslow Boston,  Mass. 

Washington,  Horace  Lee,  American  Consul, 

Liverpool,  England 

Wason,  Leonard  C Boston,  Mass. 

Watchorn,  Robert Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Watrous,  Richard  B Washington,  D.  C. 

Watterson,  Henry Louisville,  Ky. 

Weiss,  A.  B Duluth,  Minn. 

Wheeler,  Justice  Charles  B.... Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

White,  Andrew  D Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

White,  Mrs.  Horace Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

White,   Professor  John  William, 

Cambridge,  Mass. 


Whiting,   Charles   H Paris,   France 

Wilber,  David  F.,  American  Consul-General, 

Vancouver,   Canada 

Wilcox,  Ansley Buflfalo,  N.  Y. 

Wiley,  Dr.  Harvey  W Washington,  D.  C. 

Wiley,  Louis New  York 

Wilbur,  Alonzo Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Willcox,  William  R New  York 

Williams,  Clark   New  York 

Williams,  Frank  F Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Williams,  Mornay New    York 

Williams,  Roger  Butler Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

Willrich,  Gebhart,  American  Consul, 

Quebec,  Canada 

Wilson,  Mrs.  Augustus  J New  York 

Wilson,  George  T New  York 

Wilson,    Samuel   M Lexington,    Ky. 

Winkler,   Eli Cincinnati,  O. 

Wise,  Dr.  Stephen  S New  York 

Wister,   Owen Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Witherbee,  Frank  S. New  York 

Witherbee,  Walter  C Port  Henry,  N.  Y. 

Wolf,  Julius  H.  G San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Woods,  Mrs.  Joseph  S Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Wood,  William  M Boston,  Mass. 

Woodford,  General  Stewart  L New  York 

Woodruff,    Clinton    Rogers.  ..Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Woodruff,   Timothy   L New   York 

Woodward,  Robert  S Washington,  D.  C. 

Worthington,  George  H Cleveland,  O. 

Yerby,  William  J.,  American  Consul, 

Sierra  Leone,  West  Africa 
Yeska,  Joseph  New  York 


Expense  Statement 

From  the  time  of  the  preliminary  meeting, 
at  which  the  National  Committee  was  organ- 
ized, up  to  date  (February,  1910-April,  1912). 
expenditures  have  been  as  follows : 

Printing  $1,024.25 

Postage   924.97 

Maintenance   4,721.70 

Traveling  expenses.  Con- 
ferences and  Hearings..     1,465.32 

Entertainment   G45.30 


Work  contributed  by  Buf- 
falo at  an  expense  of 
over   2,000.00 

Total    $10,781.54 

The  Committee's  correspondence  has 
amounted  to  about  30,000  letters,  much  of  it 
4c.  and  foreign. 

All  service,  aside  from  clerical,  is  and  has 
been  volunteer.  No  member  of  the  Com- 
mittee receives  any  pay  for  his  services. 

Constitution  and  By-Laws 

1.  The  name  of  this  Association  shall  be  the  Na- 
tional Committee  for  the  Celebration  of  the  One 
Hundredth  Anniversary  of  Peace  Among  English- 
Speaking   Peoples,  1914-1915. 

2.  The  National  Committee  shall  be  composed  of 
men  and  women  resident  in  the  United  States  or 
Canada,  and  representative  of  their  respective  com- 

3.  The  number  of  members  of  the  Committee  shall 
be   without  defined  limit. 

4.  The  officers  of  the  Committee  shall  be  a  Chair- 
man, Vice-Chairmen  of  a  number  not  to  exceed  seven 
(7),    a   Secretary   and   a   Treasurer. 

5.  The  National  Committee  shall  meet  annually, 
or  subject  to  the  call  of  the  Chairman  of  the  National 
Committee,    or    of    the    Executive    Committee. 

6.  An  Executive  Committee,  without  specific  limit 
as  to  number,  shall  be  chosen  from  among  the  mem- 
bers of  the  National  Committee. 

7.  The  Executive  Committee  shall  begin  organiza- 
tion with  a  membership  not  to  exceed  one  hundred 
(100) ;  and  it  may,  from  time  to  time,  add  to  this 
number  from  the  membership  of  the  National  Com- 
mittee as  the  National  Committee  shall  increase  in 

8.  The  officers  of  the  Executive  Committee  shall 
be  a  Chairman  and  a  Secretary,  and  it  shall  have  as 
members  ex-officio  the  regularly  chosen  officers  of 
other    committees. 

9.  The  Executive  Committee  shall  be  the  working 
organization  of  the  Nationnl  Committee,  shall  do  the 
work  of  organization,  and  shall  develop  and  carry  out 
any  plan  or  program  initiated  with  the  National  Com- 


mittee;  or  the  Executive  Committee  may,  of  itself,  ini- 
tiate and  carry  out  any  plan  that  it  may  deem  neces- 
sary to  make  in  order  to  meet  any  requirement;  and 
It  may  delegate  these  powers  and  this  authority  to  a 

10-  To  expedite  and  facilitate  the  working  out  of 
the  National  and  Executive  Committees'  plan  and 
purpose,  a  Sub-Executive  Committee  of  not  more  than 
twenty-five  (25)  members  to  be  appointed  by  the  Chair- 
man of  the  Executive  Committee,  shall  be  organized 
and  to  It  may  be  delegated  the  carrying  out  of  the 
plan  and  purpose  of  the  National  and  the  Executive 
Committee,  and  also  the  full  powers  of  initiative  of 
such  committees;  except  that  the  Sub-Executive  Com- 
mittee shall,  when  requested  by  the  Executive  Com- 
mittee, make  report  as  to  progress;  and  the  Sub-Ex- 
ecutive Committee  must,  through  the  Chairman  of  the 
Executive  Committee,  who  shall  be  Chairman  ex-officio 
ot  the  Sub-Executive  Committee,  report  at  regular  in- 
tervals, of  a  period  of  not  more  than  three  (3) 
months,    to   the    Executive   Committee. 

11.  TTie  Sub-Executive  Committee  may  when  ne- 
cessary, employ  or  authorize  the  employment  of  sten- 
ographers, clerks  and  agents,  to  whom  may  be  paid 
compensation;  and  it  may  rent,  or  cause  to  be  rented 
suitable  office  or  offices  where  the  business  of  the 
committees  shall  be  transacted.  And  the  Sub-Executive 
Committee  is  hereby  authorized,  subject,  however  to 
sections  13  and  17  of  the  Constitution  and  By-Laws 
to  contract  such  expense  as  may  be  deemed  neces- 
sary in  the  carrying  out  of  the  plan  and  purpose  of  the 
peace  celebration   project. 

t,-,i^>J^^vF''''''""''^  Committee  and  the  Sub-Execu- 
tive Committee  may,  when  necessary,  create  commit- 
shall  rPnnr?';^.'^\,  purposes,  which  special  committees 
shall  report  to  the  said  Executive,  or  said  Sub-Execu- 
tive Committee  which  shall,  in  turn,  annually  make 
ajull  report  of  their  affairs  to  the  National  Commit- 

h^l'rJ^^  Treasm-er  of  the  National  Committee  shall 
be  a  member  er-officio  of  the  Finance  Committee.  The 
Treasurer  shall   be  the  custodian   of  the   funds  of  the 

^rTelll'  fn^}'\'^''^^  d^^^  °^  ""^^  t°  be  drawn 
fi^l  .u^-^^"^  disbursement,  and  he  shall  act  with 
the  authority  and  under  the  direction  of  the  Sub 
lll^fT  Committee.  He  shall  make  no  disburse- 
ments to  any  person  or  persons  who  shall  not  show 
authorization  from  the  National,  the  Executive?  or  th^ 
Sub-Executive  Committee,  and  he  shall  pay  no  ac^ 
count  not  properly  audited  and  endorsed  by  the  Audit- 
ing Committee.  The  Treasurer  may  appoint  an  as- 
sistant treasurer,  to  whom  he  may  give  power  of  at- 
orm'^he^H^-^^"."^^'  '^  desired^^r  neLsIary  per- 
tion  of  th.  t'  °^  t'-e^S"'!'-.  .^"'  °"'y  ""der  the  di?ec- 
foThfs'se'vicIs"""""  ^"^'  ^^^^^^^"^  ^^^  ^'  P-d 
14.     There  shall   be  a  Finance   Committee    and   the 

Sem™of'the°'.  '^t  '^^"^  ^"'''""^^  "°^-l«t  th' 
nZ^^^I  u  ■  t^^/aid  Finance  Committee,  the  number 
thereof  being  left  to  the  discretion  of  the  said  Chair- 

tlii^;^!-^^^*--^*"^"''?  .  C°'"'"'"ee  shall  have  charge  of 
the  solicitation  raising  and  collection  of  funds  and 
bv  if  ^"J?  i°'  ^\^  '•^Posit  of  the  funds  contributed 
tLr!  P"^'"'  ^°^  9"^  purposes  of  the  celebration  and 
dve  .n7'<?\°T."'  "^  .the  work  of  the  National  Execu 
oTotTe'r  'pSe^^oTrposS"'"""^"'  '"  ^  ^"'^^^'^  '^^^ 
„Ja^'  7,}^^  l""'^^.  °^  the  Committee  shall  be  exoended 
"he'^Sub  f"  .'^/'"."'■T  °f  the  Executive  CommK^'or 
tfle   bub-Executive  Committee,    n  the  carrying  out  and 

N:  Ix^ns^e  sill' h  ^^"^^^'  S'\"'  ''  P-vidld°lbov"e^ 
any  subordinate  n^  incurred  by  any  Committee,  or 
nr  r,f  ^*^'   °'^  sub-committee,   or  by  any  nerson 

o  any  °subord?n^r"''"^'  I'  "  P^r'  of  any'coVm'ktee', 
i°n  excess  of  th^^'  "''/"b-committee,  in  any  amount 
ft,..  J  -"t  *"^  ^"™  of  money  actually  on  denosit  in 
he  TrSre^  of  the  committee%r  in  th'e  posSion  of 
scribed  hv?«V       .^  "an'^e  Committee,  or  already  sub- 

committee.     This    Section   16   of   the   Constitution 

and  By-Laws,  approved  as  a  part  of  the  Constitution 
and  By-Laws  of  the  National  Commiuee,  at  a  meet- 
ing, regillarly  called,  at  which  meeting,  held  at  the 
Lawyer's  Club,  No.  130  Broadway,  City  of  New 
York,  on  January  12,  1911,  at  4:80  P.  M.,  a  quorum 
was  present  and  voted  affirmatively,  cannot  and  shall 
not  be  repealed,  or  amended,  except  at  a  meeting  of 
the  National  Committee,  ten  days'  notice  being  given, 
a  majority  of  the  committee  being  present,  and  three- 
fourths   of  such   majority  voting  in   the   affirmative. 

17.  An  Auditing  Committee  of  three  (3)  members, 
of  which  the  Treasurer  may  be  Chairman  ex-officto, 
shall  be  appointed  by  the  Executive  Committee,  act- 
ing through  its  Chairman,  to  which  Committee  shall 
be  referred  all  bills  and  accounts  payable,  and  all 
memoranda  of  expense  of  whatever  name  or  nature; 
and  no  money  or  moneys  shall  be  paid  out  by  the 
Treasurer,  or  by  the  Finance  Committee,  in  liquida- 
tion of  any  account,  unless  such  account  shall  have 
the  endorsement  of  the  Auditing  Committee,  or  a 
majority  thereof.  In  the  absence  at  one  time  of  a 
majority  of  the  members  of  the  Auditing  Committee, 
the  Chairman  thereof  shall  have  power  to  delegate 
some  member  or  members  from  the  Executive  or  Na- 
tional Committees  to  serve,  pro  tern,  as  members  of  the 
said   Auditing  Committee. 

18.  To  supplement  and  interpret  sections  16  and  17 
of  this  Constitution  and  By-Laws,  it  is  herewith  ex- 
plicitly ordered  and  directed  that  no  committee  other 
than  the  National,  the  Executive,  the  Sub-Executive, 
or  the  Finance  Committee,  acting  through  the  National, 
the  Executive,  or  Sub-Committee,  shall  have  power  to 
disburse  or  to  direct  the  disbursement  of  money,  or 
moneys,  in  connection  with  the  carrying  out  of  the 
plan  and  purpose  of  the  Committee,  or  shall  have 
power  to  authorize  the  expenditure  of  money  or 
moneys  for  any  purpose  whatsoever;  and  these  com- 
mittees will  not  be  responsible  for  any  expense  in- 
curred by  any  person,  or  persons,  purporting  to  be, 
or  actually  a  member,  or  members,  of,  or  repr^ent- 
ing  any,  or  all,  of  these  committees,  or  the  officers 
thereof,  who  shall,  without  authority,  and  without  the 
cognizance  and  consent  of  the  above-named  committee 
or  committees,  incur  any  obligation  whatever,  for  any 
purpose  whatsoever.  .  .  . 

19.  There  shall  be  chosen  from  time  to  time,  either 
upon  the  initiative  of  the  National  Committee,  or  the 
Chairman  thereof,  or  of  the  Executive  Committee,  or 
of  the  Chairman  thereof,  or  the  Sub-Executive  Com- 
mittee, or  the  Chairman  thereof,  persons  who  shall  be 
selected  because  of  conspicuous  merit  to  serve  as  hon- 
orary officers,  or  honorary  members,  of  the  National, 
the  Executive,  or  standing,  or  special  committees;  and 
there  are  hereby  created  the  following  offices:  Honorary 
Chairman,  Honorary  Vice-Chairman,  Honorary  Mem- 
bers of  the  National  Committee,  Honorary  Chairman, 
Honorary  Vice-Chairmen,  and  Honorary  Members  of 
the   Executive   Committee.  «   .   t' 

20.  The  Executive  Committee  and  the  Sub-Execu- 
tive Committee  shall  create  and  organize  such  stand- 
ing, general,  or  special  committees  as  may  be  deemed 
necessary  in  the  carrying   out  of  this  project. 

21.  The  Executive  Committee  may,  acting  through 
some  of  its  members,  incorporate  the  above  "National 
Committee  for  the  Celebration  of  the  One  Hundredth 
Anniversary  of  Peace  Among  English-Speaking  Peo- 
ples, 1914-15,"  and  under  some  special  and  particu- 
lar title;  but  said  proposed  incorporation  shall  not  in- 
terfere with  the  organization  already  formed,  nor 
abrogate,  nor  repeal  this  Constitution  and  By-Laws, 
nor  in  any  way  cause  to  be  superceded  the  National, 
Executive,  Sub-Executive,  or  other  committees  organ- 
ized in  accordance  with  the  terms  and  provisions  of 
this  Constitution  and  By-Laws,  or  the  regularly  chosen 
officers  thereof.  .  ,         ,    . 

22.  The  National  organization,  as  perfected  here- 
with, and  its  officers,  and  its  committees,  and  the 
officers  of  its  committees,  shall  be  the  permanent  organ- 
ization for  a  period  of  four  years  from  the  twelfth 
day  of  January,  1911,  at  which  time  the  above  referred 
to  organization  was  finally  completed. 




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